Tag "paradicsomtermesztés"

The world’s largest industrial tomato processors are meeting in Budapest

The biggest players in the global industrial tomato processing and production sector have arrived in Budapest for the 15th World Congress and 17th Symposium of the World Industrial Tomato Council...

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The investments of the past few years in domestic horticulture have paid off

Grown peppers and tomatoes can now be found on store shelves all year round, and from mid-April the entire sector will be supplying not only the domestic but also the...

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Szentesi Éva: “It’s like I was dropped into the future!”

Szentesi Éva, Keleti Andrea, Viszkok Fruzsi, lifestyle vlogger and Osbáth Norbi from Pamkutya also got a glimpse behind the scenes of the multi-award-winning Veresi Paradise’s cultivation. In Hungary’s most modern...

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