Tag "pályázat"

AM: Food companies can apply in several stages

A 50 billion HUF tender will be launched in June for micro and small enterprises in the food industry, which can be used primarily for the acquisition of assets, after...

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AM: tenders appear in the value of hundreds of billions of forints

The Renewable Countryside, Renewable Agriculture Program provides and strengthens Hungarian agriculture and the food industry with a historic level of development, said Minister of Agriculture Nagy István in a statement...

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AM: it is possible to apply again for support for small farms until 20 April

Small agricultural holdings can receive funding for the purchase of equipment and machinery, the planting of plantations, the purchase of animals or the development of farms. Applications can be submitted...

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Local communities can apply for a total of 42 million HUF in Tesco’s program

Tesco’s “Your Choose, We Help,” application program that supports local community initiatives, is launched for the ninth time. To date, the store chain has contributed to more than 1,000 greening,...

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The Hungarian food industry receives seven hundred and fifty billion forints in support

The food industry is one of the largest manufacturing sectors in Hungary, which could receive a huge boost in the next seven years. The Ministry has prepared a serious development...

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The Value and Quality Grand Prix Competition was announced also in 2021,

Covering almost the entire range of the economy, the Value and Quality Grand Prix Competition, a competition for the best products and services in the entire Carpathian region was announced...

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Hungarian brands are an asset – this is the message of the MagyarBrands programme

In 2020 the pandemic situation proved that the relationship between brands and their customers can be strengthened further by the conscious responsibility taking of brands. Entries in the MagyarBrands programme...

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The range of digital products in Hungary can be developed from nearly four hundred million forints

The Virgo Ventures Technological Incubator Ltd. won a 300 million HUF grant for the development of the Hungarian startup ecosystem in the Startup Factory tender announced by the National Office...

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Minister of Agriculture: 1,500 billion HUF tender for farmers this year

Tenders worth about 1,500 billion HUF will be announced for farmers and the food industry this year in order to strengthen the countryside and increase its competitiveness, as well as...

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Google is launching a tender to digitally catch up with the Central and Eastern European region

Google has announced the Google.org Impact Challenge program for countries in the Central and Eastern European region, which aims to support organizations working to catch up digitally and promote inclusive...

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Varga Mihály: 5 billion HUF tender to be launched for food companies

A 5 billion HUF tender will be launched to support the investments of Hungarian food companies, Minister of Finance Varga Mihály said in a video published on his Facebook page...

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A rural development tender has been launched to help the smallest farmers

In order to support their activities and expand their opportunities, the Ministry of Agriculture provides the lump sum flat-rate support for the development of their production activities in the amount...

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ITM: call for support for the replacement of single-use plastics is at social consultation

A social consultation was launched on the tender scheme, within the framework of which 7 billion HUF is available to enterprises for the production of finished products replacing disposable plastic...

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Nagy István: new tender will help to modernize horticultural plants

A new tender with a budget of 30 billion HUF will help to modernize horticultural plants. The support applications can be submitted from Monday – the Minister of Agriculture announced...

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(HU) AM: Közösségi Díj a Hagyományos Termékekért

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Kitchens in children’s catering can be renewed from one and a half billion forints

Support for children institutuions cannot stop even during pandemiological preparedness, so this year local governments can also use 1.5 billion HUF in support for the development of child nutrition, Varga...

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SMEs can apply for 100 billion HUF in development funding

Small and medium-sized enterprises can apply for 100 billion HUF in development funding: due to more than double oversubscription, the government doubled the 50 billion HUF budget originally announced nationwide...

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Winemakers can apply for aid to compensate from Monday

Tenders will be opened for Hungarian viticulturists and wineries to alleviate the economic damage caused by the coronavirus – the Ministry of Agriculture (MoD) told MTI. According to the announcement,...

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So far, more than 12,000 people have applied for the renovation of private accommodation facilities in a value of 37.06 billion HUF

In one week, more than 12,000 people applied for the tender of the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) and the Kisfaludy 2030 Turisztikai Nonprofit Fejlesztő Zrt. in a value of 37.06...

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ÉMIN applications can be submitted until June 11

The Value and Quality Grand Prix is a symbol of quality and expertise! When the economy restarts, particular emphasis should be placed on a qualitative approach. A good alternative to...

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Two billion HUF tendering opportunity to support the Hungarian pig and poultry sector’s disease protection investments

The Ministry of Agriculture announced a call for tenders in the framework of the Rural Development Program to support the epidemiological investments of the swine and poultry sector, which are...

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The Ministry of Agriculture announces a Hungarikum competition

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM) announced a tender to support the collection, promotion, awareness, preservation and care of national treasures and Hungarikums – the Ministry of Agriculture announced on Tuesday....

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This year’s Grand Prix for Value and Quality application has been announced

The competition for this year’s Value and Quality Award covers almost the entire economy, with entries for more than 100 of the top 40 products and services across the Carpathian...

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Tendering opportunities for Hungarian wines will be opened

Over the next three years, the ministry of agriculture will provide a total of 4.8 billion HUF support of EU funds to promote Hungarian wines – the Ministry of Agriculture...

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The government has launched new tenders for the Hungarian Village Program

The government has announced three more applications under the Hungarian Village Program, this time for a total of seven billion forints for the construction of medical service housing, the construction...

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Szentkirályi Talent Programme relaunched

This year is the third that the Szentkirályi Talent Programme is organised: 14-18 year old kayak-canoe, fencing and pentathlon athletes can have their preparations sponsored from a budget of HUF...

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Bonduelle puts a smile on children’s face

The Hungarian Food Bank Association implemented a special campaign before Christmas in 2019. Within the framework of this, nearly 13,000 children in need received a gift box full of sweets,...

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Tesco customers can vote for 40 million HUF support

The “You Choose We Help” program starts in the Tesco stores on 20 January. The supermarket chain has announced a tender program for local communities, which Tesco customers can now...

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Trade magazin announces another competition – for a more sustainable future!

Who, what products, services or companies could be the symbols of sustainability in 2020? compete on Your own behalf, or by recommending a colleague or acquaintance if you have done...

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The KKM announces an export promotion program

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and (KKM) announces a 200 million HUF grant application to promote domestic small and medium-sized enterprises on the foreign market – Joó István Deputy Minister of...

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