Tag "OVF"

Let’s keep water in the landscape!

The network of village farmers of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy conducted a national survey in March, the purpose of which is to find out the willingness of farmers...

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According to the OVF, this year’s drought was severe, but not extraordinary

Although this year’s drought was very severe, it cannot be considered extraordinary: droughts of similar severity occur in Hungary every 20-50 years – states the National Water Directorate General (OVF)...

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OVF: the drought has eased, the need for irrigation has decreased

Due to the wetter weather of the last few days and the amount of water coming from the watersheds of the large rivers, the drought has eased, and in addition,...

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The drought is getting worse, but according to the OVF, water needs still be met

The drought is expected to intensify, but national water needs can still be met. In 10 of the twelve water directorates, preparedness to protect against water shortages is in effect,...

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The drought continues

The drought continues, the most important thing is the provision of drinking water, but the planned irrigation schedules are being prepared one by one with the involvement of agricultural users...

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OVF: Lake Balaton is not in danger

Although the current lack of rainfall is extreme, it is not extraordinary, and Lake Balaton is not in danger despite the lack of water supply, the National Water Directorate (OVF)...

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Government offices: excellent or good water quality on all Lake Balaton beaches

The water quality of Lake Balaton is excellent in most of the natural bathing areas, in some cases it is also good in the part of the lake belonging to...

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Sió’s tourist development can begin in the spring

In the spring, the planned development of tourism in the Tolna county section of the River Sió will begin, and the National Directorate for Water Management (OVF) will carry out...

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The Agrarian Chamber tests the drought monitoring system

The complex water scarcity forecasting system established by the National Water Directorate General (OVF) is a major step forward in the fight against drought. The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK)...

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The farmers would increase the size of the irrigated area with more than 200 thousand hectares

The farmers would irrigate on more than 330 thousand hectares if they had the opportunity. Now the size of the irrigated area is about 130 thousand hectares – the Director-General...

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