Tag "Oroszország"

The weak ruble has boosted tourism in Russia

Last year, tourist arrivals to Russia increased by 13 percent due to the weakening ruble – said Oleg Safonov, leader of the Roszturizm Russian Federal Tourism Agency at the Intourmarket...

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A significant drop in the number of online purchases in Russia

The number of purchases made at online department stores in Russia fell by 17 percent last year – Alexei Fyodorov, chairman of the association containing the Russian online companies said...

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The Russian embargo caused 1300 billions HUF losses to the Hungarian economy

The Russian embargo has caused approximately 4.5 billion USD (1300 billion HUF) export loss to the Hungarian economy – Budai Gyula Minister of State for Foreign Economic Relations presented on...

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Auchan’s Eastern expansion

Last year Auchan invested EUR 138 million in Eastern Europe and Russia. In 2016 the retailer plans to spend EUR 195 million in Russia, mainly in Moscow. They intend to...

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FM: Russia is a major agricultural partner for Hungary

Russia is a key partner of Hungary in the field of agriculture and the food industry, despite the fact that the trade embargo makes the relationship between the two country...

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Russia may be the world's largest grain exporter

Russia's government hopes that Russia can become the world's largest grain exporter in the next agricultural year, like the former Soviet Union – Magyar Nemzet Online wrote. Russian Agriculture Minister...

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Russian shopping centers on a roller coaster

According to the practice of the recent years, New Year’s Eve brought the the highest retail sales in Russia, because the Orthodox Christmas begins on January 7. According to the...

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Ukraine imposed a ban on imports of Russian vodka and tobacco

The Ukrainian government banned seventy types of Russian products on Wednesday in Kiev – Arszenyij Jacenyuk prime minister announced. The disposal of Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers to impose an embargo...

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The EU has extended the economic sanctions against Russia

The European Union moved on Friday to extend economic sanctions against Russia for six more months for its annexation of Crimea and support for separatists in Ukraine, even as European...

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The Russian partners welcomed the cooperation with the Hungarian companies

The Russian partners welcomed the cooperation with the Hungarian companies that have reference in Russia already – Budai Gyula, ministerial commissioner told MTI. Budai Gyula negotiated about agricultural cooperation and...

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Hungarian-Russian cattle breeding negotiations

Budai Gyula, the Ministerial Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Relations negotiated with Sergei Levin, Deputy Minister of Agriculture about the foundation of a Hungarian-Russian joint...

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MLSZKSZ: Russian embargo, conserved Hungarian market loss

Business exporting to Russia and logistics companies are the biggest losers of the sanctions. The question now is not whether how much the EU is losing with the Russian embargo,...

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Russia responds to the extension of the sanctions with the tighter control of foodstuffs

Russia tightens the control of imported foods and banning the channels of imports, where the products affected by the entry ban can enter the country. The move can be an...

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FMCG trends: decline in volume sales

FMCG volume sales dropped in all quarters of the last three years in Russia. Between December 2014 and February 2015 1 percent fewer products were sold than in the previous...

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USD 85-million loss caused by the sanctions

The European Union’s embargo on Russia and the Russian answer to that cause major damage to Hungary’s economy. Our agriculture loses USD 3-4 million in export revenues every day. The...

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Fifteen Hungarian companies may export food to Russia

The Russian Federal Veterinary and Plant Protection Service (Rosszelhoznadzor) allowed fifteen Hungarian, two Cypriot and a few Greek companies to export their products to Russia if the food embargo to...

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EU sanctions against Russia cause damages to Hungary

The embargo imposed against Russia and Russia's response cause much damages to Hungary – the Minister of State of Ministry of Foreign Trade and Foreign Affairs said at a CIS...

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Hungarian-Russian negotiations on food security in Budapest

Bognár Lajos, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM), and Alexei Alekszejenko, deputy leader of the the Russian Federation’s Federal Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision (Rosszelhoznadzor) were discussing...

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The Russians started the inspections at Hungarian and Greek meat processing companies

On Monday, the specialists of the Russian Federal Veterinary and Plant Protection Service (Rosszelhoznadzor) started the inspections of the Hungarian and Greek meat processing companies that are exporting to Russia...

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Moscow considers it suspicious that the Serbian apple exports increased significantly

Moscow considers suspicious that the Serbian apple exports increased significantly. The Serbian authorities have promised to investigate the reexport suspicious transactions – the Serbian newspaper Novosti Večerník reported on Monday....

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If the embargo to be lifted the Hungarian meat products will among the firsts to be shipped to Russia

In connection with the possible lifting of the Russian embargo, Russian experts will inspect meat processing companies in Hungary, Greece and Cyprus from 6 April – a leaders of the...

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Russia bans Hungary’s poultry meat import temporarily

Russia temporarily banned imports of poultry meat and poultry products heat-treated at a temperature lower than 70 degrees from the whole territory of Hungary on Wednesday. The Russian Federal Veterinary...

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“Political chocolate” was marketed in Russia

A Russian company started to sell “Political chocolate”. The covers of the bonbon boxes are made along the lines of the former Soviet propaganda posters, and such messages can be...

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Lively interest in the Prodexpo in Moscow in spite of the sanctions

The Prodexpo international food exhibition opened on Monday in Moscow, surrounded by high interest. At the Prodexpo international food exhibition about 2000, the companies are presenting their goods including 17...

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