Tag "online tér"

Magazine: E-commerce: Dynamic growth, growing risk

In the last decade e-commerce’s market share has been growing dynamically in Hungary. From 2019 to 2020 the growth was nearly 35 percent – reports the State Audit Office (ÁSZ)....

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Here are the data, where are the data…?

In today’s more and more digital economy one of the most important questions is: What is happening to the data of the customer when they buy something online? E-commerce operations...

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Rossmann: ‘We have reached adulthood!’

For nearly two years Rossmann has had two Hungarian managing directors – formerly there used to be one German and one Hungarian executive. Since February Kornél Németh has been leading...

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Online vagy? Védd magad! – Információbiztonsági programot indított a K&H

A digitalizáció kényelmesebbé, egyszerűbbé, gyorsabbá teszi számtalan mindennapi tevékenységünket, azonban az online tér számos veszélyt is rejthet, ha nem vagyunk elég elővigyázatosak, elég csak az adathalász kísérletekre vagy hackertámadásokra gondolnunk....

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How does the introduction of Payment Services Directive 2 in 2019 affect retailers?

The European Union gave a green light to the Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) in November 2017, which is basically a collection of regulatory technical standards (RTS) enabling consumers to...

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