Tag "oktatás"

Cash-saving program to be started at fifteen schools

With the involvement of fifteen educational institutions, a cash-saving school program will start for students and parents in the semester that is just starting – the Director of Education at...

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Tesco keeps training workers

Tesco trains and educates workers at the retailer’s own Tesco Academy. This year they already invested more than HUF 100 million in teaching employees. In 2018 no less than 2,843...

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The Minister of Agriculture handed over a modern training garden in Budapest

Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture and the managing director of the supporter of the project, the Syngenta Hungary handed over a training garden in Budapest. The training garden helps to...

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The program for raising financial awareness has started

The preparation of the participating teachers was started for the program. This autumn, a motivational point system developing financial awareness is tested with the involvement of 600 students in five...

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Education of conscious consumers in Schools

The purpose of the National Chamber of Agriculture is to strengthen the trust in domestic products at quite a young age. Local producers and products were introduced in schools and...

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A SPAR room was opened at the Buda Campus of the Szent István University

A modern teaching room was handed over with SPAR’s support of over 4.5 million forints at the Faculty of Food Sciences at the Szent István (St. Stephen’s) University. The development...

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Education must be adapted to the agricultural and food industry market needs

Education must be adapted to the agricultural and food industry market needs, so the demand and supply of labor must be coordinated – was said at the roundtable discussion organized...

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The government and the Lego are expanding cooperation

The Hungarian government and the Danish Lego company signed a cooperation agreement on Tuesday in Budapest on joint work, within the field of education. The document was signed by Minister...

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SPAR supports quality education

The SPAR donated eight computers to the Harsányi János Economics and Commerce Vocational High School and Vocational School of the Budapest Business Training Centre. The IT equipment will be used...

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NFM: “the school learning consumer awareness” application has been launched

The application for “the school learning consumer awareness” has been launched – Keszthelyi Nikoletta, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of National Development (NFM) told M1 news channel on...

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Twenty-four thousand students are studying from September in agricultural vocational schools

Twenty-four thousand students are studying in the 48 agricultural vocational schools of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) at 63 sites from September. The agricultural, food and environmental education is carried...

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Most attractive workplace’ – 1st place: Audi Hungaria

Éva Szigeti, the head of personnel marketing at Audi Hungaria told that in their competence-based development model every employee can make professional and non-professional progress in a personalised fashion, with...

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Pig farm managers are trained at the University of Debrecen

Two years after the start of the shepherd training, the four-week training for pig farm managers has begun on Monday at the University of Debrecen (DE) – the organizers told...

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Four Hungarian universities have developed food safety curriculum

A food safety curriculum was developed by four Hungarian universities. The participating universities were the Universities of Debrecen, Szeged, Eger and the Western Hungarian University – Jávor András, vice-rector of...

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