Tag "okos élelmiszer"

The smart bread market has continued to expand

From November, more than two thousand franchise-based domestic bakery companies have been supplying smart foods – the CEO of the Hajdúsági Sütödés Zrt. told MTI. According to Szakács Tamás, foods...

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Franchise system for the production of “smart” foods

The Hajdúsági Sütödék-Group has developed a special production-market franchise system for the nationwide distribution of its “smart” products, the Vitajó health-promoting breads, the company announced at a press conference in...

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The market for health-enhancing baking products can grow to several billion HUF a year

The health-promoting “smart” foods market can reach billions of HUF annually domestically, primarily on the field of baking and confectionery industry, according to the expectations of the Hajdúsági Sütödék- csoport...

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