Tag "nyugdíjasok"

Pensioners can buy more things with their money in the store than in 2016

According to KSH data, the average amount of the old-age pension rose to HUF 231,495 in March 2024. From this amount, the Pénzcentrum calculated how many pieces or kilograms of...

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Kifli.hu is opening up towards pensioners

Kifli.hu has reached an important milestone, as they are opening up to new social groups, especially pensioners and people with disabilities. The purpose of creating the Barrier-Free Club is to...

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The food price increase for pensioners is 46.1 percent

The purchase value of pensions has reached a historically very low level, especially since the epidemic and the war. And it is an incomparably more difficult task to get through...

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GKI: most of the retired people would not work

Eighty percent of Hungarian retired people would not take any additional income-generating activity at all, while 11 percent would be willing to work part-time, according to a recent survey of...

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Ötvenmillárdot költhetnek a nyugdíjasok Erzsébet utalvánnyal

A nyugdíjasok már 50 milliárdot költhetnek el Erzsébet utalvánnyal, hiszen kétszer kapnak, ami pedig tekintélyes hányada lehet az Erzsébet utalványos piacnak. Ez az élelmiszer és vendéglátó piacnak, ahol az Erzsébet...

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The Government grants 10,000 forints worth Erzsébet vouchers for every pensioner

The government, like last year provides Erzsébet vouchers worth 10,000 forints to all retired citizens, this year – the Minister of Human Resources announced on Wednesday at a press conference...

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The elderly can join to the pensioner cooperative in Békés County

The Keleti Szomszédok Közérdekű Nyugdíjas Szövetkezet (Eastern Neighbors Pensioners’ Association) opened a pensioner cooperative office in Békéscsaba and Szarvas, Békés County – Nagy Gábor President told MTI on Friday. Up...

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The new cooperative form for pensioners is popular

Within three months, 36 Public Interest Pensioners Cooperative were established in Hungary and their number is likely to rise further – Hantos Zoltán, project manager of the OPTEN company information...

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The KDNP would tighten the rules on product demonstrations

Companies dealing with product demonstrations and sales have to open customer support service and these companies cannot provide consumer credit – the Christian Democratic People's Party suggests. Rétvári Bence, vice...

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