Tag "nyilvántartás"

The administration of vineyard school operators becomes easier with a new form

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) draws the attention of vineyard operators to the new form available on the office’s website. Nébih created the electronic registration form, which can be...

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The burdens of operators dealing with animal by-products have been eased

In line with the government’s deregulation efforts aimed at reducing administrative burdens, Regulation 45/2012 on animal by-products was amended from January 1, 2024.(V. 8.) VM decree. In the future, it...

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Starting today, you can apply to the Nébih agricultural unmanned aerial vehicle control register

Those interested can apply for registration in the agricultural unmanned aerial vehicle control register from today. Registration in the official register is a prerequisite for agricultural flying with a drone....

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You only need to keep the spraying log in e-GN!

We would like to draw the attention of those involved in the management of the management logbook (GN) that currently only the data of pesticide treatments, i.e. sprayings, must be...

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This is how cattle can be moved between the member states of the European Union

In order to prevent the spread of animal diseases, many aspects of the keeping and movement of bovine animals are regulated by Regulation 2016/429/EU of the European Parliament and of...

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