Tag "növénytermesztés"

With the spread of health-conscious nutrition, the popularity of spinach is also increasing in our country

Due to its outstanding protein and mineral content, spinach is one of the vegetables with the highest nutritional value. According to the map of the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) and...

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The Council of the EU has adopted the review of the EU’s common agricultural policy

The Council of the European Union has definitively accepted the review of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which aims to reduce the administrative burden on EU farmers and ensure greater...

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Israel has agreed on an emergency wheat supply with Romania

In order to strengthen Israel’s food security, Agriculture and Rural Development Minister Avi Dichter concluded an emergency wheat supply agreement in Bucharest with his Romanian counterpart, Florin Barbu, the Agerpres...

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The EU has extended by one year the rules on the import of Ukrainian and Moldovan products into the EU without customs duties and quantitative restrictions

The Council of the European Union has extended for another year the validity of the temporary trade regulation, according to which Ukraine and Moldova can import their products, including agricultural...

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Important information about satellite monitoring of irrigated areas

Due to the regulations of the European Commission, since last year – as in the other EU member states – the territorial monitoring system using the Sentinel satellite family, i.e....

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Farmers are entitled to a higher excise duty refund for diesel

The government is helping farmers with another measure. The government decree has been published, which stipulates that from May 1, 2024, the amount of tax that can be reclaimed for...

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Agrometeorology: the drought intensified in the Alföld and the central part of Tiszántúl

 In the past few days, the sunflower and corn stocks in the initial stages of development received a sufficient amount of rain in the southern and southwestern parts of the...

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The Hungarian agriculture and food industry is based on healthy GMO-free plants

Agricultural production, the food industry and nutrition science go hand in hand, the developments, challenges and expectations of each segment influence each other, said Dr. Beáta Olga Felkai, Deputy State...

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This year’s defense season got off to a busy start for the national ice damage mitigation system

Already in the first week of this protection season, the National Ice Damage Mitigation System (JÉGER) operated by the National Chamber of Agriculture proved itself. During the two weeks between...

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The first results of the European farmers’ demonstrations were born

As a result of the cooperation of farmers at the European level, the European Commission has reconsidered the provisions of the Common Agricultural Policy in some areas. Thanks to the...

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New tools and sanctions help producers against buyers

Late payments to farmers by purchasers of more than 30 days will become punishable thanks to the package of producer protection laws adopted by the Parliament, announced Zsolt Feldman, the...

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Agrometeorology: more precipitation may fall in Transdanubia, but it will hardly rain in many places in Tiszántúl

Showers will irrigate first the southwestern and then the northeastern half of the country, but a larger amount of precipitation is expected only in Transdanubia, while in many places in...

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There are many old people and few women in domestic agriculture

A third of agricultural managers are already 65 years old or older, and only 3 out of 10 are women. The age group is getting older, and the gender ratio...

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More than 60 percent of the planned sowing work has already been completed

According to operational reports assessing the state of agricultural work, the planned sowing area for spring-sown field crops in 2024 will be around 1.9 million hectares. Farmers completed 63.7 percent...

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More and more people are looking for sweet potatoes

The well-known healthy and tasty sweet potato is increasingly becoming the focus of attention among domestic producers and consumers. But is it capable of displacing the traditional potato from our...

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Scientific results help the revision of the nitrate regulation

In order to develop a well-founded policy, long-term cooperation with scientific actors and professional organizations is necessary. This is proven by the 5-year research program launched by the Ministry of...

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The European Parliament has accepted proposals to reduce the burden on farmers

As a result of the European farmers’ protests, the European Parliament approved the simplification of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which primarily serves to reduce the burden on farmers. Our...

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With rising grain prices, it is not worth sitting on stocks

Cereal prices are rising on the European futures markets, so domestic farmers should pay attention to concluding the appropriate contracts and selling their stocks, said Zsolt Feldman, the State Secretary...

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The value-creating developments in agriculture are implemented one after the other

In addition to creating a favorable regulatory environment, it is a priority to ensure that subsidies are continuously available for the actors of the agrarian sector – declared Minister of...

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Fewer pesticides were sold in 2023

The volume of plant protection products sold in 2023 decreased by 22 percent compared to 2022. When examined by category, it can be established that the turnover of other agents...

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(HU) MBH AgrárTrend Index: stabilizálódtak a magyar élelmiszer-gazdaság kilátásai

The assessment of the situation of the actors of the Hungarian food industry has stabilized, which is more favorable than before in the first three months of 2024, according to...

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The EP approved the review of the EU’s common agricultural policy

The revision of the common agricultural policy (CAP) was approved at the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, the aim of which is to reduce the administrative burden...

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Agrometeorology: rainfall was good for plant development

The cool weather of the past few days stopped the premature, extremely fast development of the plants, and the precipitation was also good for the vegetation. In the continuation, warmer...

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Displacing the voles and the invasive plant is a challenge at the same time

In the last hundred years, February and March have been like this three times, as far as heat and warm weather are concerned. This unusual weather means for the plants...

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Together for the unity of our nation – This year’s Hungarians’ Bread Program started with the Feast of Wheat Dedication

The Magyarok Kenyere – 15 million grains of wheat program opened its 2024 fundraising with the Carpathian Basin Wheat Consecration Ceremony, with the participation of nearly 400 farmers in the...

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Attention: The certification stickers of many used plant protection machines may have expired recently

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) warns producers who operate plant protection machinery that, since the introduction of the compulsory inspection system, the obligatory technical inspection of machinery over...

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May 2024 be a year rich in blessings, harvest and success!

The Cross-Border Bread of Hungarians – 15 million grains of wheat program is one of the most beautiful and important symbols of the unity of the Hungarians of the Carpathian...

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The network of village farmers and the range of services provided to chamber members have been expanded

In response to the challenges posed by the new Common Agricultural Policy, the National Chamber of Agriculture has transformed and expanded its network of village farmers to around 700 people....

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Agricultural vocational training provides young people with a predictable vision of the future

Today, agricultural technical colleges and vocational schools offer a predictable life path, 21st century. in the conditions of the 21st century they provide century-old knowledge. Young people can become masters...

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The new agricultural support website has been launched

Information related to the Hungarian Common Agricultural Policy Strategic Plan for the period 2023-2027 is available in a renewed form from today on the new website, kap.gov.hu. Hungary’s 2023-2027 Common...

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