Tag "növénytermesztés"

Agrometeorology: the quality and quantity of autumn sowing crops was damaged by the significant rainfall of the past week

The significant rainfall that fell in the past week was no longer lacking at all for the ripening fall-sown field crops, it worsened both the quality and quantity of the...

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Chamber of Agriculture: they are looking for innovative solutions to the challenges of agriculture

Young developers, startups and researchers are looking for solutions to the challenges of agriculture and the food industry within the framework of the TechLab agricultural startup program of the National...

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This year, two-thirds of the uniform applications were also submitted by the farmers with the help of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy

The village farmer advisors of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) actively contributed to the submission of uniform applications this year. NAK specialists assisted in the submission of more than...

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The 25-year-old Hungarian-Slovak Agricultural Working Group met in Budapest

The participants of the meeting of the Hungarian-Slovak Agricultural Working Group reviewed the current challenges of agriculture and the opportunities for farmers to assert their interests on Wednesday at the...

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Farmers can get new information on the KAP website

The updated Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) information form related to area- and animal-based direct subsidies, which will continue to expand in the future, has been expanded with current information for...

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Maize production may increase slightly at the EU level

In the May projection of the International Grains Council (IGC), the 2024/2025 indicates a global corn harvest of 1,220 million tons, which is 5 million tons less than last year....

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The export of frozen green peas increased by 20 percent in 2023

According to KSH data, green peas were harvested in Hungary in 2023, in a 6.9 percent larger area, 14 percent more (94 thousand tons) than in 2022. According to the...

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Agrarszektor: this is why Hungarian agriculture is lagging behind

It is worthwhile to be more efficient and advanced in agricultural production, but it is difficult to grasp how this should be achieved, knowing that Hungarian agricultural production differs significantly...

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The turnover of agricultural machinery fell by more than 50 percent

The willingness of Hungarian farmers to purchase machinery continued to rise continuously for years, until the first quarter of the previous year.In recent years, thanks to the call for tenders...

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A replenished Agricultural Damage Mitigation Fund helps producers affected by the damage

The reassuring information for the farmers who suffered damage this year is that about HUF 25 billion is available in the 2024 damage mitigation fund from the payments of the...

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Agrometeorology: the rainy early summer period associated with the Medárd day started weeks earlier

This year, the rainy early summer period associated with Medárd’s Day began weeks earlier than usual: the rainy and thundery weather of the past three weeks significantly reduced the accumulated...

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The NAK Szántóföldi Days were successful again this year

The NAK Szántóföldi Days and Agricultural Machinery Show–Mezőfalva on June 5-6, 2024 took place again with great interest. At the country’s largest arable exhibition, the organizers focused on presenting sustainable farming...

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Nébih spends almost 1 billion forints on development and training at its experimental and breeding stations

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) is modernizing the infrastructure of its variety testing and breeding stations in Monorierdő, Pölöské, Székkutas and Tordas with a non-refundable grant of HUF...

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The health of plants means the future of all of us

 Plants provide one of the bases of food supply: without plant cultivation, there would be no food or fodder. If plants die, it affects the livelihood of farmers and producers,...

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A key issue is the farmer’s variety choice in field crop production

In the last hundred years, Hungarian breed breeding has been one of the most important professional pillars of domestic agriculture. During the challenging period, the issue of varieties, the presence...

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The irrigation plant of Talentis Agro Zrt., built with 1.7 billion forints, was handed over

The government will give farmers all the help they need to adapt to the challenges of climate change and to increase the cultivation of crops with greater added value –...

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Information about changes in direct area-based subsidies during the year

The Ministry of Agriculture informs agricultural producers and the relevant contributors that several regulations affecting the direct support entitlements of the Common Agricultural Policy are already changing favorably for producers...

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Composts and peat moss sold the most

Among the observed yield-enhancing categories, producers purchased the largest quantities of various composts and peat. This accounted for three quarters of the total sales examined. In second place, based on...

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The spring works came to an end by mid-May

Based on the data of the reports, the spring fodder pea sowing area is 5,000 hectares, a quarter of which is in the Northern Great Plain. The planned area of...

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Agrometeorology: more showers will ease the drought

The early summer, rainy weather will continue, rainfall exceeding 20-30 millimeters may fall in a large area until the middle of next week, but the regional differences are expected to...

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Crop security can only be achieved with suitable seeds

In view of the planting season, the authority checked seed samples in the past period. About the action dr. Márton Nobilis, the Secretary of State responsible for food industry and...

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In agriculture, the strength for progress is still provided

By using the resources of the new tenders, the agrarian sector can be renewed with HUF 2,900 billion. The goal of the subsidies is to put the domestic agriculture and...

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Producer prices for soybeans and rapeseed exceeded last year

In Hungary, according to AKI PÁIR data, edible wheat was traded at an average producer price of HUF 72.9 thousand per ton without VAT and transport costs in the third...

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The permanent water shortage period was announced at the initiative of NAK and MAGOSZ

Following the initiative of the National Chamber of Agriculture and the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Associations and Farmers’ Cooperatives, the Minister of the Interior announced a permanent water shortage period...

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The drought was eased by the stormy Whitsunday weekend, JÉGER’s operation was needed across the country

The soil generators operated by the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) did not rest during the long Pentecost weekend. The operation of the National Ice Damage Mitigation System (JÉGER) was...

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Agrometeorology: plants grow well in warm, rainy weather

The weather that turned rainy a week ago and the warm weather is good for grain in the phase of grain growth and intensively growing crops, but at this time...

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48 percent more fertilizer was sold than a year earlier

Fertilizer distributors sold 522,000 tons of fertilizer directly to agricultural producers in the first quarter of 2024.The volume sold was 48 percent more than a year earlier, despite this –...

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Our gluten-free favorite also competes for the KMÉ trademark

The gluten-free life is also imbued with excellence, as it is now possible to apply for the Excellent Quality trademark with rice and rice flour. Of course, the address is...

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Agroloop and Széchenyi István University cooperate in the research of insect-based solutions

Agroloop, the insect protein producer, and István Széchenyi University in Győr have entered into a joint statement of intent for the joint research and development of insect-based solutions, read the...

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A record wheat harvest is expected

In the May forecast of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the 2024/2025 wheat harvest was published for the first time global harvest expectations for the economic year, in...

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