Tag "növényi termékek"

Danone’s research looked at the popularity of herbal products

In 2024, Danone Hungary again participated in the regional research conducted in five Central and Eastern European countries, which assessed the eating habits of consumers, as well as their relationship...

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KSH: the growth rate of agricultural purchase prices slowed to 27 percent by February

In February, agricultural purchase prices were 27.0 percent higher than a year earlier, the rate of price increase was 4.6 percentage points slower than in January and slowed down by...

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From now on, the Hungarian authorities will forward plant product shipments to the destination country for physical inspection

In the case of plant products intended for food from third countries, the Hungarian authorities will no longer carry out physical checks in Hungary, but forward the shipments to the...

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KSH: the increase in agricultural purchase prices slowed down in October

After four months of recovery, the rise in agricultural producer prices slowed down in October: purchase prices were on average 58.9 percent higher than a year earlier, and the annual...

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KSH: the rise in agricultural producer prices accelerated further

In August, the rise in agricultural purchase prices accelerated for the fourth month in a row, from 21.3 percent in July to 24.1 percent. The rise was driven by plant...

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Agricultural purchase prices continued to rise

In April, the average purchase price of agricultural products was 12.8 percent higher than a year before. After a 10.3 percent rise in March, double-digit growth was measured again, according...

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The plant health regulations for the population will be tightened drom 14 December

The import of small quantities of plants and plant products for own use is also restricted by the European Union’s new phytosanitary system in force from 14 December; Henceforth, travelers...

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KSH: slowdown in agricultural producer prices in June

In June, the agriculrural producer prices were 2.5 percent higher than a year before, following a 4.5 percent rise in May. The price of plant products fell by 3.1 percent,...

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KSH: agricultural producer prices continued to fall in January

In January, agricultural producer prices decreased by 2.6 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. The decline was the result of the 8.9 percent decline in the...

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A decline in agricultural producer prices

Agricultural producer prices decreased by 4.7 percent last December, compared to a year before, after the 5.5 percent decline in November. The price of crop products decreased by 11.8 percent,...

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KSH: producer prices increased by 2.4 percent in May

Agricultural producer prices increased by 2.4 percent in May, compared to the same month of the previous year – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Tuesday. The price of...

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Growing gap between animal and vegetable product prices

In March 2016 the production price level of agricultural products increased by 2 percent if compared with the level of the same period one year earlier. Vegetable product prices augmented...

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KSH: the rise of agricultural producer prices slowed down in February

In February, agricultural producer prices rose by 2.8 percent, compared to the same period of the last year. The price of crop products grew by 7.3 percent, while the price...

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The price of crops increased

Last November, the agricultural producer prices increased by 5.5 percent, compared to the same period of the previous year. The increase is related to the 13.7 percent the increase in...

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KSH: agricultural producer prices grew by 4.8 percent

Agricultural producer prices increased by 4.8 percent in October, compared to the same period last year. The increase is related to the 12.2 percent increase in the prices of crop...

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KSH: agricultural procurement prices have risen for the first time for two years

In September, the producer prices were 1.2 percent higher than a year before and thus they rose for the first time since June 2013 on a year on year comparision....

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KSH: agricultural producer prices continued to decline

In April, the price of plant products was 7.4, while the price of live animals and animal products was 9.0 percent lower, than a year before. The agricultural producer prices...

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KSH: agricultural producer prices continued to decline in March

The price of plant products was 9.1 percent lower, while the price of live animals and animal products was 6.6 percent cheaper in March, so the agricultural producer prices were...

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KSH: the agricultural producer prices fell by 8.1 percent in February

Due to the 7.9 percent deline in the price of vegetable products and the 8.5 percent price decline of live animals and animal products, the agricultural producer prices prices were...

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KSH: producer prices fell by 7.2 percent in January

In January, due to the 7.4 percent price decrease of vegetable products and due to the 6.9 percent decline in slaughter animals and animal products prices the agricultural producer prices...

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KSH: agricultural producer prices fell by 6.6 percent in December

The agricultural producer prices declined by 6.6 percent in December last year, compared to a year before. Within the agricultural producer prices, the producer price of plant products decreased by...

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