Tag "Nobilis Márton"

The sustainability of the traditional meat industry must be supported

The production and marketing of laboratory meat raises many questions and concerns, most of which we do not yet have satisfactory answers to, said Dr. Márton Nobilis is the State...

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AM State Secretary: next week, the melon season starts in the stores

The melon season is about to begin, starting from the end of next week, this year’s crop can be in stores in increasing quantities – announced the Secretary of State...

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Ministry of Agriculture: the Hungarian food industry is developing based on good European examples

After the decline following the regime change, the domestic food industry must be strengthened again. The government will allocate 750 billion forints of the approximately 1,500 billion forints in tender...

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Márton Nobilis: big changes are coming in the food industry

In the Hungarian food industry, tender resources must be used in such a way that they ensure the competitiveness of the sector in the long term and promote the growth...

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AM: consumers can already find out about product recalls in the newsletter

In order to inform the population even faster and more directly, and thus to protect them more effectively, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) will from now on also...

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Márton Nobilis: ham, eggs and horseradish receive special attention during the spring seasonal inspection

During the spring seasonal food chain inspections, special attention is paid to products distributed in larger quantities during the Easter holiday, such as eggs, ham, horseradish, confectionery products or wines,...

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Márton Nobilis: the food industry is an important strategic sector

The food industry is an important strategic sector, which also determines the sovereignty of a country – said Márton Nobilis, the State Secretary responsible for the food industry and trade...

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Big changes are coming in the food industry: this could be the best-selling expertise in the future

The safety of the food chain must be guaranteed from its roots, i.e. from plant protection, therefore the professional up-to-dateness of plant doctors and plant protection engineers is not only...

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Entries for the Food of Hungary 2024 competition have started

Entries for the Food of Hungary 2024 competition have started, for which you can apply until December 15, and recipes must be submitted by December 29. Bence Rétvári, the parliamentary...

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GFM: technological change of food industry suppliers is supported in a tender with a total amount of HUF six billion

The technology change of food industry supplier companies will be supported in a tender with a total amount of six billion forints, Gergely Fábián, the State Secretary responsible for industrial...

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Hungarian wine is the best-known top product of the Hungarian food industry

Hungarian wine is the best-known top product of the Hungarian food industry – emphasized the Secretary of State responsible for the food industry and trade policy of the Ministry of...

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The most comprehensive summer food safety check has been completed

The most comprehensive summer food safety inspection has been completed – the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) announced to MTI on Friday. According to the announcement, the summer food safety seasonal...

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A new president leads the National Food Chain Safety Office

As of August 23, Imre Nemes will assume the post of president at the head of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih), Márton Nobilis, the state secretary responsible for...

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The new building of Gyulakonyha was handed over

Public catering plays a key role in Hungary’s food supply, said the State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture responsible for food industry and trade policy on Thursday in Gyula,...

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