Tag "NMHH"

This is how chat programs replace telephone calls

The latest research by the National Media and Communications Authority (NMHH) examined the decline in the use of traditional telecommunication devices and the rise of chat programs. Based on the...

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NMHH: The previous growth rate of online shopping has stalled

The previous growth rate of online shopping has stalled – concluded the research of the National Media and Communications Authority (NMHH), the summary of which was provided to MTI on...

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Seventeen years of television advertising practice were examined by the NMHH

The National Media and Communications Authority (NMHH) has reviewed the classic television advertising practices of the past 17 years in order to determine the main trends of this non-negligible segment...

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NMHH: The number of sent text messages has decreased and the number of mobile calls has increased in recent years

Retail subscribers wrote and sent 714 million text messages with their mobile phones in 2021, but in 2018 that number still exceeded one billion; although the desire to send text...

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NMHH: More than 90 percent of the active age population uses the Internet regularly

More than 90 percent of the active age population uses the Internet regularly, and the number of Internet users in Hungary has practically reached the upper limit, according to a...

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NMHH: more and more new advertisements promoting Hungarian products are being made

The share of new advertising spots promoting Hungarian products increased to almost nine percent in the second half of last year, the communication directorate of the National Media and Communications...

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NMHH: the advertising market is still below the pre-pandemic levels

Compared to last year, fewer product placings were launched in the first half of the year, compared to last year, and the market is still weaker than in previous years,...

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Problematic webshops can be closed for up to a year

With the advent of the online sales channel, inspection authorities are also finding more and more websites in Hungary offering counterfeit, illicitly manufactured or marketed products for sale; fraudsters can...

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NMHH: thirteen percent decrease in the number of television product appearances

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the number of television product appearances fell by thirteen percent in the second half of 2020, compared to the same period of 2019, the National...

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NMHH: the proportion of new Hungarian TV commercials has doubled in the previous half year

According to a new study adopted at the last meeting of the Media Council of the National Media and Communications Authority (NMHH), the proportion of new Hungarian advertising spots increased...

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NMHH: Hungarians used their phones and Internet more as a result of the coronavirus

Call traffic increased by about one-sixth and Internet traffic by one-third in the first half of 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic, while the number of SMS fell by a...

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MHH: four thousand fewer advertisements appeared on television in the first half of the year

Four thousand fewer advertisements appeared on commercial television in the first half of this year than at the same time last year, the communications directorate of the National Media and...

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Seventy percent of Internet users shop online

Even before the pandemic, Hungarians used the Internet regularly to manage their various affairs; online shopping and related activities are the most common, with seven out of ten netizens already...

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NMHH: number of advertising spots has decreased

Compared to the beginning of March, the number of advertising spots decreased by about ten thousand by the end of the month, the authority’s communications directorate told MTI on Wednesday,...

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The Media Council advertises resorts, refreshments, and food in most product placements

Most product placements advertise resorts, refreshments and food, according to the latest study on product placements discussed by the Media Council. The National Media and Communications Authority’s (NMHH) communications directorate...

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NMHH: a package delivery rate comparison page helps consumers across Europe

A European portal comparing cross-border package delivery rates helps European consumers, and a link to the page is also available from the NMHH website, the National Media and Communications Authority...

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NMHH: product placements in commercial TVs increased by 15 percent in the first half of the year

RTL Klub and TV2 had 17,796 product placements in the first six months of the year, which is a 15 percent increase, compared to the same period of last year,...

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NMHH: the share of advertisings promote domestic products and services is low

There is still very little television advertising to promote domestic products and services, but the accessibility of TV shows remains at 99.9 percent – the National Media and Communications Authority...

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NMHH: Internet prices decreased by 11 percent last year

Last year, the prices of Internet services decreased by 11 percent. The prices of mobile voice subscriptions fell with lesser extent, primarily due to the 5 percent reduction in Internet...

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The proportion of Internet users has grown considerably among the elderly

According to a report by the National Media and Communications Authority (NMHH), the proportion of Internet users among the elder has increased considerably over the past year, and the digital...

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NMHH research: we see hundreds of product placements a day

On average, hundreds of product placements can be seen on TV every day on the national trade channels, according to a survey of the National Media and Communications Authority (NMHH)...

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NMHH: the number of product placements has increased significantly

According to the National Media and Communications Authority (NMHH), the number of product placements increased by 75 percent in the first half of 2017, compared to the same period of...

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Media Council: eight brands per hour appear on the two major commercial channels

The viewers of the two large national commercial television channels identified an average of eight brands an hour in the first half of 2015. This ratio was 8.5 in case...

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