Tag "NGM"

The government calls for joint EU action against tax evasion

The EU countries should act against tax evasion in a coordinated way, by learning from each other- the National Economy Ministry (NGM) emphasized on Tuesday. Rákossy Balázs, Minister of State...

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NGM: the government defined the conditions of the release of the SZÉP-cards compatible with the EU law

The government defined the conditions of the release of the Széchenyi Rest Crads (SZÉP-cards) in accordance with the EU laws. The situation, developed in the EU dispute will be meaningfully...

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A traffic vitalizing campaign will be launched in order to retain the Russian market

A traffic vitalizing campaign will be launched at the end of September in an amount of 26 million HUF in order to retain the Russian market – Ruszinkó Ádám, Deputy...

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The Ostoros-Novaj Bor Zrt. plans a 10 percent increase in sales this year

The Ostoros-Novaj Bor Zrt. plans a 10 percent sales growth this year, compared to last year. The company's net sales amounted to 1.6 billion HUF in 2014 – Soltész Gergő,...

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NGM: tourism cooperation may expand further with China

The Central China and Eastern Europe tourism cooperation also wants to be an active participant of the Chinese, One Zone, One Way foreign economic strategy – Varga Mihály, Minister of...

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Pankucsi: Hungary protects the tobacco surtax

Hungary would like to defend the health care contribution on the tobacco industry and the food chain supervision fee, therefore, the European Commission in Brussels will be given this the...

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A 30 percent growth is expected in online purchasing this year

Online shopping increases much faster than “anything else” in the sector. Compared to the previous year a roughly 30 percent increase is expected – Glattfelder Béla, Minister of State for...

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NGM: the Hungarian retail is more than three times higher than the EU average

Retail sales are expanding in Hungary for two years. The increase in June was the fourth fastest in the European Union, and it was more than three times higher than...

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The EU support of the SMEs may reach 3-4 percent of the GDP next year

The amount of the European Union subsidies that the government will send to the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) may reach 3-4 percent of annual GDP next year – Karsai...

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The Small-Scale Association wants no online cash register at rural accomodiations

The Kisléptékű Termékelőállítók és Szolgáltatók Országos Érdekképviseletének Egyesülete (Small-Scale Association) does not support the village hosts’ obligations for online cash registers and asks for the withdrawal of the related standards....

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NGM: Retail trade is constantly expanding for two years

The retail sector is growing continuously for two years. Retail trade in June increased by more than 6 percent, compared to a year before, but the first half-year figures also...

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NGM: the Széchenyi Rest Cards play a key role in the domestic tourism

In June, the Széchenyi Rest Card usage at commercial accommodations increased by 5.4 percent, compared to the same period last year. In June almost 1.5 billion HUF was spent by...

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NGM: the government considers the small and medium-sized enterprises as strategic partners

The government considers the small and medium-sized enterprises as strategic partners. As a sign, the SMEs have benefited several tax incentives since 2011. Pankucsi Zoltán, Deputy Minister of State for...

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Tourist accommodation development in the pálinka distillery in Tuzsér

The Gyümölcspárlat Bt. built accommodations with a fifty million HUF EU and domestic investment at the site of the pálinka distillery in Tuzsér, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county. The investment was handed over...

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Varga Mihály: special taxes do not conflict with the EU law

According to the Hungarian position, the food chain management fee or the health care contribution on tobacco products, do not conflict with the EU rules – Varga Mihály, Minister of...

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Hungary is a major beneficiary of EU funds

In terms of funding Hungary remains one of the largest net beneficiary of the EU, over the next seven years – Szűcs Tamás, the Head of European Commission’s Representation in...

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(HU) Biztató eredmények a turizmusban


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The Ministry of National Economy does not expect serious inflation

The consumer price trend is in line with the estimate of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM). The Ministry does not expect serious inflation in the rest of the year....

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NGM: the government does not change the system of the SZÉP-cards

The growth of domestic tourism in 2014 was mainly the result of expanded Hungarian tourist traffic which is due to the success of the Széchenyi Rest (SZÉP) Cards. According to...

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NGM: savings and consumption are expanding in long-terms

Balogh László, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM), responsible for Finance Policy told that savings and consumption turned into the right direction in Hungary, their...

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NGM: ekáer has a positive effect on VAT revenues

In the first five months, the Value Added Tax revenues increased by 7 percent, by 84 billion HUF. In addition to the economic growth, the use of online cash registers,...

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NGM: Sunday store closure did not cause a decline in retail trade

Sunday store closure did not cause a decline in retail trade – Lenner Áron Márk, Deputy Minister of State of the National Economy Ministry (NGM) told M1 news channel on...

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NFM: the Imperial Tobacco’s offer does not meet the conditions

According to the Ministry of National Development, the offer of the Imperial Tobacco Magyarország Kft. does not meet the conditions statutory conditions. The ministry in its statement sent to MTI...

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Sunday store closure: pros and cons about the number of the employees

The number of employees decreased by more than two thousand in trade and the number of overtime hours also jumped since the introduction of the Sunday store closure – the...

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NGM: the narrowing of the applicability of SZÉP-cards is not on the agenda

The narrowing of the applicability of the Széchenyi Rest Cards (SZÉP-cards) is not on the agenda at the Ministry of National Economy (NGM). The MTI Ministry of National Economy (NGM)...

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Sixty-five large food companies will be left out of the development support

A total of 65 domestic large food companies in Hungary will not receive development support in the 2015-2020 budget cycle – agrárszektor.hu wrote, on the basis of KSH’s list. The...

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OTP: the tightening in the usage of the Széchenyi Rest Cards can have an adverse effect on tourism

The OTP Bank is concerned about the proposed amendmentof the Széchenyi Rest Card system that was raised last week, because the Bank believes that any tightening the usage of the...

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Tállai: the ekáer is successful

The introduction of the electronic road freight traffic control system (ekáer) is effective and successful. The system contributes to the whitening of the Hungarian economy. Since its introduction tax authorities...

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1.5 billion HUF for the student work program this year

The government spends 1.5 billion HUF on the summer student work program program this year – Varga Mihály, Minister for Economic Affairs announced on Wednesday. The summer student work program...

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Tourists spent more money in Hungary

The expansion of the amount spent by tourists in Hungary exceeded the growth rate of their guest nights. Ruszinkó Ádám, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy...

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