Nébih: the State Fisheries Service prevented the planting of invasive fish species

The State Fisheries Service of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih ÁHSZ) has already banned the planting of invasive fish species, such as silver crucian carp, in two cases...

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A restaurant in the second district was closed with immediate effect due to serious hygiene problems

The Hungarian National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) has immediately suspended the operation of a restaurant located on Hidegkúti Road due to severe hygiene issues. During the inspection, authorities found...

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Nébih experts examined the cheapest foods

In order to protect consumers, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) checked the cheapest food products of the Price Monitoring System. During the first target inspection focusing on staple...

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Nébih revealed serious food safety and hygiene deficiencies in a restaurant in the capital

The inspectors of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) in Budapest experienced hygiene problems posing a serious food safety risk, a II. during an inspection of a restaurant in...

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“To the bin with food waste” – the Nébih No Leftovers program announces a poster design competition

On the occasion of the Sustainability Theme Week, the program of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) is launching a poster design contest entitled “To the bin with food...

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Nébih is reporting on product size reductions

On 1 March a National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) database was launched, where shoppers can find out how much the size of certain products has reduced. This article is...

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Nébih: the spring food inspection ended with fewer fines than last year

The national food inspection, which ended on April 1, ended with approximately the same number of warnings, but fewer fines than last year, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih)...

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Attention: The certification stickers of many used plant protection machines may have expired recently

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) warns producers who operate plant protection machinery that, since the introduction of the compulsory inspection system, the obligatory technical inspection of machinery over...

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An important deadline for growers and distributors of grape propagating material is coming in May

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) draws the attention of those involved in the production and distribution of grape propagating materials that the deadline for reporting their activities is...

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Nébih: SPAR recalled tortellini

SPAR Magyarország Kereskedelmi Kft. recalled Spar Veggie spinach-cashew tortellini due to the presence of an unlabeled allergen (peanut), the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) told MTI on Saturday. The...

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The aflatoxin load of Hungarian consumers was examined by Nébih specialists

The University of Debrecen and the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) participated in a joint project entitled: “Determining the short-term and long-term aflatoxin exposure of Hungarian consumers in the...

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Bird flu has reached the counties of Békés and Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok again

The laboratory of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) has detected the presence of avian influenza virus in several livestock farms in the counties of Békés and Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok. The...

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When buying seed potatoes, it is worth choosing only metal-sealed seed tubers

For planting good-quality, reliable and healthy seed tubers, it is worth buying only metal-sealed ones, which are mainly available in farm shops, larger supermarkets, and specialty stores. Nébih has summarized...

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The government also protects agriculture by requiring import notification

Agriculture is affected both by the war and Brussels’ pro-war policy. For this very reason, in addition to the ban on the import of Ukrainian agricultural products, the government is...

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The inspectors destroyed hundreds of propagating materials for fruit planting in the Ónod market

The inspection of the sale of spring grape and fruit propagating materials continued. At the beginning of April, experts from the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih), county government offices,...

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Nébih: hundreds of propagating materials for fruit planting were destroyed by the inspectors at the Ónod market

The spring inspection of the sale of grape and fruit propagating materials continued, during the action held at the Ónod National Animal and Exhibition Fair, the inspectors had to destroy...

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The interface for reporting the import of agricultural products will be activated from Tuesday

On April 16, the government decree on the import of certain agricultural products into Hungary will enter. According to the legislation, natural persons, sole proprietors, legal entities or other organizations...

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This type of store is becoming more and more popular in Hungary

“American stores” are spreading rapidly in Hungary, where you can find food mainly from the United States, which are typically offered at high prices. These stores sell products that traditional...

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Again, improvements have been made to the eGN system

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) informs the users of the electronic management diary (eGN) that another update has taken place in the system. In the current version, many...

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The authority extracted enough pesticides for 100 hectares

In March, the inspectors of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) “obtained” 3.5 kg of a plant protection agent with Cyrillic letters and without a valid marketing and use...

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Nébih withdrew a plant protection product from the market

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) has withdrawn more than 30 kilograms of pesticides considered risky from circulation, the authority informed on Wednesday. Nébih’s inspectors made a trial purchase...

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During this spring’s seasonal food safety inspection, Nébih found more errors than last year

Compared to last year, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) imposed more penalties and recalled more products during its traditional spring seasonal food safety inspection, the Secretary of State...

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Summer? Festivals!

The Covid period has brought serious challenges to the festival industry, the ripple effects of which are still being felt. With many people leaving the sector, finding skilled and experienced...

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Declaration of the person in charge of the plant protection activity

The recipients of subsidies provide data on plant protection service activities. The provision of data is mandatory and takes place on the website of the Hungarian State Treasury for submitting...

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The eGN data reconciliation with the producers proved successful

 Following the deadline for the submission of the electronic management diary a month ago, Nébih initiated a data reconciliation with the producers until March 14. In order to provide clarifications,...

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Nébih has once again announced the greening of Easter tender

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) has once again announced the Easter greening tender in the spirit of conscious holiday preparation, Nébih told MTI on Monday. The announcement was...

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Auchan recalled pastries

Auchan recalled packaged panini due to the possible presence of a foreign substance – the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) drew attention on Friday. According to their information, the...

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ÖKO seed database information

Regulation (EU) 2018/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council permits the use of seed and potato tubers from non-organic farming in organic farming, if the producers are unable...

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Description of plant protection product active ingredient lists related to support programs (AKG, AÖP)

Nébih’s plant protection experts compile annual lists of plant protection active substances prohibited in various support programs, as well as those that can be used in them. Every year, the...

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Important change: Nitrate data must be provided in the eGN by March 31

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) draws the attention of producers to the fact that starting this year, nitrate data must be provided through the electronic management log (eGN)...

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