Tag "Nagy-Britannia"

British convenience foods are the healthiest

According to a global survey of more than four hundred thousand convenience foods surveyed in 12 countries around the world, prepared, semi-finished and finished products made in the UK contain...

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Giant Nutellas are sold in British stores

British hypermarkets sell a huge 1 kg of Nutella in limited quantities for a limited time – Origo wrote after Store Insider. British Nutella fans can be looking for a...

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The British Tesco to be restructured

Britain’s largest retailer, Tesco, is redesigning its structure to respond to changing consumer habits – origo wrote after Reuters. Tesco in the UK, will cut some 4,500 jobs at its...

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In one year, the number of nylon bags sold in supermarkets in England has halved

In a year, the number of nylon bags sold in the UK’s largest supermarket stores has halved – according to British government data released Thursday. Asda, Marks and Spencer, Morrisons,...

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The UK Food System needs a radical reform

The real cost of mass-produced, cheap and unhealthy food is the public health crisis and environmental degradation – the RSA British committee dealing with growing societal problems reported – privatbankar.hu...

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Obesity cause cancer more times than smoking

Obesity, like smoking, is already playing a major role in the four most common types of cancer, a British research organization said. According to the data of the Cancer Research...

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Meat-free butcher shop with hamburger breadfruit

Sainsbury’s has opened Britain’s first meat-free butcher’s shop, where products are made from soya, steaks, and burgers made of fruit loaf – origo wrote after The Guardian. Photo by John...

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British Chamber Association: investments are falling faster than expected

The British Chamber of Commerce (BCC), worsened its forecast on British economic growth in the next two years, in particular due to the continuing uncertainty surrounding Brexit. According to the...

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In case of a Brexit disorder, the EU will immediately restart customs controls

Customs controls on goods coming from the United Kingdom will immediately restart, after which VAT will have to be paid if Great Britain leaves the European Union in an irregular...

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Brexit: probability of a disorderly exit has increased and the entire European economy will suffer

Yesterday, the British House of Commons voted against again to abolish the British EU membership agreement, so MEPs can decide on an unsettled exit. According to the Brexit analysis of...

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British food exports to the EU cannot be guaranteed without agreement

In case of a Brexit without agreement, there would be no full guarantee that Britain could continue to export food to the markets of the European Union – the head...

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Investors to save the Debenhams store chain

The UK retail chain receives 40 million pounds capital injections from its investors, which are intended to secure the company’s long-term financial stability – origo wrote. Britain’s largest supermarket chain...

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The problems with cashless payment

A British study calls attention to the problems with cashless payment: ‘Access to Cash’ informs that in the United Kingdom the proportion of cash payments is 34 percent at the...

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There would be a major drop in British tourism without agreement in case of Brexit

London’s financial analysts say Britain’s outbound tourism would fall significantly if Britain will leave the European Union without an agreement to regulate Brexit. It would greatly affect the tourism of...

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Amazon wants to open stores in the United Kingdom

Amazon plans to open cashierless grocery stores in the UK. Amazon is looking to buy 370-465m² shops which they would convert into Amazon Go stores. Amazon Go digitally monitors what...

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Sainsbury’s sells baked crickets

British Sainsbury’s is the first big grocery chain that sells insects as a consumable dish – 444.hu wrote after Guardian. The company starts selling the fried crickets, which are crispy...

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Chips to be shortened in Belgium and Great Britain

Chips will be three centimeters shorter in Belgium and Great Britain this year instead of the usual 8-9 centimeters lenght – Agrarszektor.hu wrote. The spectacular decline in potato tubers is...

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Tesco opened a discount store

The first unit of the Tesco Jack’s discount chain opened its doors to British customers on 20 September. Europe’s market-leading Tesco chain handed over its first discount in a 9,000-strong...

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The price of potato has tripled in the United Kingdom

It will be a sad year for those who love potatoes in the UK. The summer heat waves and droughts have so badly affected crops that prices have tripled in...

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Brits are consuming healthy foods

Despite the fact that weather did not favor plants, the demand for organic food and beverages from organic farms will not drop, in fact, this year it has reached a...

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Britain is looking for commercial opportunities in Africa

African and London analysts both question that British trade with Africa in some way could replace the downturn that is expected in the British trade after Brexit – Financial Times...

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London’s tourism was boosted by the unusually hot summer

London’s tourism was boosted by the unusually hot summer in Great Britain, and many sights increased its visitor numbers compared to the previous year. Hampton Court, Greenwich, or the London...

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With the change in consumer habits, the number of night workers in the UK has doubled

With the change of consumer habits, the number of retailers in the UK who have been working mainly at night has doubled, in the past ten years. According to the...

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IKEA will open smaller, downtown shops in Britain

IKEA will open smaller, downtown shops in Great Britain and is also implementing 24-hour home delivery service to suit changing consumer habits. The Times British daily wrote about the plans...

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British retail sales on a fourteen-year peak

The growth rate of retail sales grew to a fourteen-year peak in the second quarter of the year in Britain, although consumers spent less in June. According to a statement...

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The prince’s wedding was good for the British retailers

Prince Harry’s wedding in May was good for the British retail trade, whose turnover steeply jumped last month. According to the UK statistical office’s data published on Thursday, retail trade...

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Brexit will affect the Hungarian pet food production

Britain is the 10th most important export partner for Hungary, especially for pet food manufacturers. Fodder, pet treats and other products made for pets are almost one-fifth of our agricultural...

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Carbon dioxide shortage plagues the British economy

There is a growing carbon shortage in Great Britain. Some producers of soft drinks, beer and meat processing companies have already reduced their production. Market participants are urging government intervention...

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London analysts: it may cost a thousand pounds per household if the EU duty-free status ceases

London’s financial analysts say that if, after the expiration of the British EU membership, customs duties appear in the UK’s and the European Union’s total duty-free trade it will cost...

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