Tag "MTA"

What you need to know about Mihály Figula, Wine Producer of the Year 2022

Mihály Figula from the Balatonfüred-Csopaki wine region was awarded the title of “Wine Producer of the Year in Hungary 2022”, the most prestigious award that can be won by Hungarian...

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The Agroverzum Science Experience Center has been opened

Agricultural research in Martonvásár is not about the ambition of the researchers, but about us and tomorrow’s bread – Áder János President of Hungary said after he handed over the...

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MTA’s wines were selected for the tenth time

The wines of Tokaj-Hegyalja and Villány were the best at the Wine of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, which was announced for the tenth time this year. This year’s call...

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Nearly 700 million HUF for irrigation water quality research

The Ecology Research Centre of the Hungarian Academy, the National Public Health Center, the Agricultural Research Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) and the Smaragd GSH Kft jointly...

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Nearly 17 million HUF was gathered to alleviate children hunger

As the result of the academic charity collection nearly, 17 million HUF was gathered to alleviate children hunger – Lovász László President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) said...

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The success of Tokaji and Szekszárdi wines at the wine muster of the MTA

This year's best wines of the competition of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) were selected from 116 wines of 13 Hungarian and a cross-border wine regions. The majority of...

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Conference about the Hungarian game management

A conference will be held titled “The current issues of domestic wildlife health and wildlife management in 2016” will take place on 5 April 2016, att he Szent István University’s...

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The producer cooperatives to be assessed

The National Agricultural Economics Association (NAK) in cooperation with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) will carry out a survey on the economic and social conditions of producers' cooperatives –...

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The results of Hungarian researchers promotes the development of cheaper and more reliable Internet

The researchers of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Budapest University of Technology and Economics promotes the development of cheaper and more reliable Internet. The researchers published their findings in...

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