Tag "mobilbank"

This is how your business uses mobile banking

The life and operation of businesses is largely determined by the degree to which they digitize their processes. Finance is at the forefront in this field, since in addition to...

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K&H Bank: the use of mobile banking is growing dynamically

The use of mobile banking at K&H Bank is growing dynamically, 560,000 people already use the service, and their number has doubled since 2020 – explained Balázs Németh, head of...

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Mobile banking proliferates

According to a Mastercard survey, the proportion of mobile banking users reached 56 percent for the first time among bank card owners in 2020. 65 percent of 18-34 year old...

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The number of cash payments decreasing

Landslide-like changes have been brought in everyday life, including measures related to the coronavirus pandemic in banking and shopping, such as curfew restrictions – napi.hu wrote. The average value of...

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