Tag "mezőgazdasági termelő"

The agricultural council must show the main directions of the agricultural policy after 2027

The aim of the six-month Hungarian presidency of the Council of the European Union is for the Council of Agriculture Ministers to show the main directions of the common agricultural...

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Support can be paid even after partial completion in the AÖP

This year, the Ministry of Agriculture will introduce the band payment system to be used in case of partial fulfillment of the practices undertaken in the Agro-ecological Program (AÖP). In...

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This year’s first eGN announcement has been published

On April 20, 2023, the legislation related to the submission of uniform applications for 2023 entered into force, which states that farmers can keep the farm diary both electronically and...

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Tender to support the joining of agricultural producers to the quality system

Between March 1, 2023 and August 31, 2023, agricultural producers can again apply for non-refundable support in connection with joining the European Union and national quality systems. Such a notified,...

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You can still apply for the animal welfare subsidy for dairy cattle

The Ministry of Agriculture draws attention to the fact that, in connection with animal welfare support related to the keeping of dairy cattle, support applications can be submitted to the...

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The Polish Sejm voted to increase state subsidies to agricultural producers

On Tuesday night, the Polish Sejm (lower house) voted on the amendments to the law, which increase state support for Polish farmers disadvantaged by the import of Ukrainian agricultural products....

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A call for tenders supporting the joining of agricultural producers to the quality system has been published

Between March 1, 2023 and August 31, 2023, agricultural producers can again apply for non-refundable support in connection with joining the European Union and national quality systems. Such a notified,...

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New winners in the tender for the support of small agricultural enterprises

The Ministry of Agriculture has recently decided on another HUF 8 billion subsidy for small agricultural enterprises. With the current decision, we have already awarded more than HUF 80 billion...

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The regularized form for keeping the management diary for the year 2023 has been published

In the case of certain legal regulations and Rural Development subsidies, it is mandatory to keep the Farming Diary. The agricultural producer keeps the farming diary electronically or on paper...

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The domestic food chain must be further strengthened

It is an important objective that the interests of all actors in the food chain can prevail, be it the agricultural producer, food processor, wholesaler and retailer, or the final...

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The payment of the 2022 AKG and organic farming subsidy has begun

Payments of the agri-environmental management (AKG) and ecological management (ÖKO) subsidies for 2022 have started, so during the spring works, according to the plans, the farmers participating in the programs...

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Work, knowledge, openness – this is the key to success in agriculture

The future belongs to knowledge-based, professional agriculture, success requires the application of new technologies, openness and knowledge – stated Zsolt Feldman, the State Secretary responsible for agriculture and rural development...

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