Tag "mezőgazdaság"

42 percent of US bee colonies died in the past one year

More than two out of five American honeybee colonies died in the past year, and surprisingly the worst die-off was in the summer – according to a federal survey. Since...

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KSH: agricultural producer prices continued to decline in March

The price of plant products was 9.1 percent lower, while the price of live animals and animal products was 6.6 percent cheaper in March, so the agricultural producer prices were...

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Give the bees a world day!

The agricultural ministers of the EU was discussing in Brussels within the framework of the GMO-free Europe initiative and supported the prohibition of the cultivation of genetically modified plants –...

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Cereals became 3 percent cheaper in April

Hungarian cereals became 3 percent cheaper in April on average, compared with March 2015 at the Magro.hu online agricultural marketplace. The Magro Wheat Index (MGX) indicating the combined value of...

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Hungarian-Russian negotiations on food security in Budapest

Bognár Lajos, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM), and Alexei Alekszejenko, deputy leader of the the Russian Federation’s Federal Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision (Rosszelhoznadzor) were discussing...

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More pigs than before

Thanks to the swine strategy, the domestic pig population started to grow. The goal is to double the number of animals by the end of the decade – the Minister...

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Some pesticides are killing pollinating insects with much more intensity than pests

Some pesticides are killing pollinating insects with much more intensity than pests – according to the European Academies Science Advisory Council, (EASAC). The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) also represented...

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The Syngenta opens its new European Financial Centre in Hungary

After signing the lease agreement, the Syngenta has officially announced that the company will open its new European Financial Centre in Budapest. In the first step, the Swiss company will...

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The fruit and vegetable sector closed a good year in 2014

The fruit and vegetable sector closed a good year last year, mainly due to favorable weather conditions; the volume of production totaled 2.97 million tons – Ledó Ferenc the president...

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The Nébih seized a large amount of pesticides

The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) seized large amounts about 4.5 tonnes of pesticides during the spring controls. The fine is expected to be several millions of forints –...

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Hungary aims to strengthen its international cooperation in wheat cultivation

Hungary decided to join to the Wheat Initiative in order to strenghten the coordinated research in wheat cultivation. The Wheat Initiative includes countries and research institutes that are dealing with...

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The 22nd Animal Husbandry and Agriculture Days Exhibition was opened

The 22nd Animal Husbandry and Agriculture Days Exhibition was opened in Hódmezövásárhely. At the country's largest farm animal show, hundreds of farmers and breeders will await those who are interested...

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The Food Avalanche gave “nets instead of fish” to fifty-three settlements

Spring works started in fifty-three settlements on a total of 110 hectares of land in the Food Avalanche program of the Hungarian Food Bank Association and Syngenta. The healthy vegetables...

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The Russian agricultural minister was replaced

The Russian market should be supplied with Russian agricultural products more intensely to ease the food market tension and to reduce the prices – Alexander Tkacsov, new Russian Agriculture Minister...

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MVH: the submission of the single agricultural grant applications is underway

The submission of the single agricultural grant applications began on 1 April. Now applications were submitted to about 900 thousand – 1 million hectares – Gyuricza Csaba, president of the...

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GMO-free feed is the goal

It is important to give the animals non-genetically modified (GMO-free) feed – Feldman Zsolt, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture told M1 news channel on Sunday. Feldman...

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The sowing of corn and sunflower has started

The sowing of corn and sunflower has started in Tolna County. The farmers plan to sow about ten percent more, compared to last year, while the winter wheat acreage has...

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No agriculture without strong horticulture

The Hungarian agriculture cannot exist without a strong horticultural sector – Czerván György, Minister of State for the Ministry of Agriculture spoke about the importance of the sector at the...

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The agricultural support decree for small producers has been published

The decree of the Minister of Agriculture on the agricultural support for small farmers was published – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told. Those farmers are eligible for support, who...

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Apiary is one of the most successful sectors of the Hungarian agriculture

Hungary is well-known and recognized worldwide, due to its outstanding honeys, thanks to the work of twenty thousand Hungarian beekeepers. Apiary is one of the most successful sectors of the...

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Hungary is prepared for the new EU regulation on grape planting

Hungary is prepared for the new EU regulation on grape planting that would make it possible to increase the grape growing areas in the Member States – the Ministry of...

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380 billion HUF for agricultural water management and irrigation development

About 380 billion HUF will be spent on the development of agricultural water management and irrigation until 2020, by the end of the current EU budget period – the Prime...

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The Russian inspectors are coming soon

Between 20 and 30 April, the Russian veterinary authorities will perform on-site inspections at some of the Hungarian plants that have already been added to the list of facilities that...

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The farmers would increase the size of the irrigated area with more than 200 thousand hectares

The farmers would irrigate on more than 330 thousand hectares if they had the opportunity. Now the size of the irrigated area is about 130 thousand hectares – the Director-General...

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A recovery is expected from 2016 in the markets of the Balkans

New doors can open in front of the companies that are seeking to expand in the former Yugoslav countries. The situation of the economy is likely to recover in 2016,...

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The Hungarian Reformed Charity Service distributes five hundred tons of potatoes before Easter

Five hundred tons of seed and eating potatoes will be distributed by the Hungarian Reformed Charity Service nationwide before Easter. So far, the donations were distributed in about 70 settlements...

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The Romanian grape harvest fell by more than one-fifth last year

Last year, the grape harvest in Romania decreased by 20.8 percent. The planted area shrank by 0.6 percent compared to the year before – the Romanian national statistical institute announced...

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Lázár: state intervention would be needed in food trade

State intervention would be needed in food trade, in the favor of small agricultural producers Lázár János told in Földeák. The livestock in Hódmezôvásárhely and the onion growing of Makó...

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Vegetable production in soil-free system

A covered farm was set up in the US without soil, that can serve as an example that crops can be produced economically even in cities – agrarszektor.hu wrote. According...

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OTP to finance the KITE Zrt. with huge amounts

The OTP Bank will provide funds worth more than ten billion forints to the Nádudvar-based KITE Zrt. The bank has a 46.86 percent minority shareholding in the company – agrarszektor.hu...

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