Tag "mezőgazdaság"

Farm from a Box

The Farm from a Box helps the Third World communities, or natural disaster hit villages to produce the most important products – agraszektor.hu wrote after blog.syngenta.hu. The Farm from a...

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The price of crops increased

Last November, the agricultural producer prices increased by 5.5 percent, compared to the same period of the previous year. The increase is related to the 13.7 percent the increase in...

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Agricultural exports to Germany increased by seven percent last year

The largest market for Hungarian agricultural products is Germany. Last year the Hungarian agricultural exports to Germany grew by 7 percent, compared to the previous year – the Minister of...

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Morocco is interested towards the Hungarian agricultural technology

Morocco is interested towards the Hungarian agricultural technologies and food safety experiences – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told in its communication. According to the information, Fazekas Sándor, Minister of...

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Grain Producers: he plants can tolerate the lower and higher temperatures as well

Vancsura József, president of the National Association of Grain Producers (GOSZ) told MTI on Wednesday that the changeable weather is not a problem for winter cereals because the plants can...

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The industrial tomato is the big winner

The production of vegetables declined by about one hundred thousand tonnes last year, mainly due to the Russian embargo, however, the production of industrial tomato cultivation increased, and there is...

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Pumpkin is becoming increasingly popular

After Nagydobos, Tarnaszentmiklós also tryes to become a pumpkin village. Landraces cannot be found here, but according to the locals, this is more an advantage than a disadvantage, because the...

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FAO: facts of the world food situation

The Agricultural Outlook, 2015-2024, is a collaborative effort of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. It brings...

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Kavosz: the loan amount Széchenyi Cards was increased to 50 million HUF

The loan amount in the Széchenyi Card Program was increased to 50 million HUF from the former 25 million HUF – Krisán László, . Chief Executive Officer of the Kavosz...

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Food industrial applications from mid-February

The food industrial applications can be submitted from 15 February. The supports aim to facilitate improvements in an amount of 151 billion HUF – Kis Miklós Zsolt, Minister of State...

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Agricultural primary producer cards to be renewed

The agricultural primary producer cards will be renewed. Instead of the paper cards card-based ID cards will be introduced, the new system has been successfully launched – the president of...

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The agricultural machinery manufacturer to develop this year as well

The Hantech dealing with the manufacturing of agricultural machinery will double the number of employees this year. The company to expand its development activities with hundreds of millions HUF this...

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EU fruit and vegetable applications to come

In the next few months several EU fruit and vegetable applications to will be released that can increase the productivity of the agriculture sector further – Tresó István, Agricultural Development...

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Horticulture closed an up and down year

Sour cherry rotting on the trees, less apples, new horticultural subsidies and the downsides of the public employment program characterized year 2015 for horticulture. The sector closed an up and...

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Corn yield: the European Commission cuts back this year's forecast

The European Commission modified its forecast on corn for this year. The EC reduced its forecast for this year's yield by almost one million tonnes to 56.6 million tonnes. Last...

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Half million tonnes less fruits and vegetables grown this year than in 2014

This year, the farmers harvested about 2.5 million tons of vegetables and fruits, about 500 tons less than the record harvest in 2014. The yield loss was mainly due to...

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The agricultural ministry initiated the stricter monitoring of imported honeys into the 0EU

Hungary has Initiated the stricter monitoring and a more accurate indication of the origin of imported honeys into the European Union, at the Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting in Brussels...

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Agricultural production declined prices increased

The gross added value of the agricultural sector in 2015 declined by 8.0 percent on the previous year's prices and remained unchanged at current prices. The 3.1 percent drop in...

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Syngenta’s sunflower portfolio is even more promising

Syngenta sunflower hybrids are cultivated on more than three hundred thousand hectares every year in Hungary, making sure the company retains its market leading position. The company's forecasts reveals that...

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Savings Bank: the economy may grow by 2.9 this year, and with 2.4 percent next year

According to the analysts of the Savings Bank, after the 2.9 percent of this year, the Hungarian economy may grow by 2.4 in 2016 and by 2.8 percent in 2017...

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Farmers can save millions with the Hungarian Complex Water Management Software

The Fatimex Technologies has developed a Complex Water Management Software. The system facilitates efficient water management. The Complex Water Manager Software collects the data of the wireless sensors placed into...

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2014 was a great year in Hungarian Agriculture

The Hungarian agricultural output’s growth that is lasting for years continued in 2014. The output of live animals and livestock products exceeded the previous year’s level – Czerván György presented...

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Rural Development office: 150 billion HUF agricultural support has been paid out to farmers already

About 36 thousand Hungarian farmers have received 150 billion HUF agricultural support this year until early December, and a nearly 200 billion HUF advance payments are expected by the end...

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The price of potatoes have increased significantly

Discounted potatoes cost already twice than a year before – the ripost.hu. wrote. In addition, this year's crop does not cover the domestic needs, and the major European producers have...

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Fazekas Sándor: the share of animal husbandry should be increased within agriculture

The retail price of pork products may decline from January, because the VAT on pig meat will be reduced from 27 percent to 5 percent – Fazekas Sándor Minister of...

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FM: the financial and income situation of agriculture improved substantially

Thanks to the favorable performance of agriculture and the efficient agricultural and rural development funds, the financial and income situation of agriculture improved substantially – Nagy István Parliamentary Minister of...

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Drastic decline: this year's apple crop reduced by half

This year's apple crop was lower than it was expected. Because of the drought, compared to last year’s nearly 900 thousand tons this year only 450 thousand tons of apples...

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FM: About 13.5 million tons of grain grown this year in Hungary

In Hungary, a total of approximately 13.5 million tons of grain grown this year, compared with the 16.3 million tonnes of last year – the Minister of State of the...

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The cultivation of Hungarian vegetable gardens is extending more and more dynamically

The cultivation of Hungarian vegetable gardens is a dynamically spreading movement. Within three years, the number of vegetable gardens competing at the most beautiful vegetable gardens competition increased to 230...

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One can apply to 400 million HUF from the previous allocation of the fishery program

Those who deal with freshwater aquaculture in Hungary can apply to 400 million HUF from the previous allocation of the fishery programme. Kis Miklós Zsolt, Minister of State for Agriculture...

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