Tag "mezőgazdaság"

One in six gardens are led by young farmers

Horticulture is an important element of the government’s agricultural program, because in the EU financial cycle lasts until 2020 they would like to increase the number of rural jobs, and...

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The Hungarian National Apiculture Program is ready

The Hungarian National Apiculture Program for 2016-2019 is ready – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told MTI on Monday. According to the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) the new National Apiculture...

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Hundreds of billion HUF supports will be available after 1 April

The farmers can submit their single electronic agriculture and rural development support claims from 1 April to the Agriculture and Rural Development Office (MVH) – the agrarszektor.hu wrote. Supports can...

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How longer the corn prices to decrease

Corn prices are in strong minus. If we consider the long term price trends, prices are falling further everywhere. Economically it is understandable: the global yield of the past two...

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Inland water damages the autumn crops

The inland water damages 30-40 percent of the autumn crops (wheat, barley and canola) in Békés county – Barabás Béla, secretary of the Békés County Farmers' Federation told MTI on...

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The world wheat market is changing

The international agricultural market this year shows significant changes for reasons such as the strong dollar, the fall in oil prices and high yields – writes the Wall Street Journal...

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Potato prices are rising

The price of potatoes are increasing explosively since last autumn. Compared to the previous year now 40-50 percent have to be paid for potatoes – Népszabadság Online wrote on the...

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54 billion HUF for irrigation development

The Prime Minister's Office reached at the negotiations of the Rural Development Programme that multiple of the former amount; approximately 54 billion HUF to be available for irrigation development –...

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International resolution on pollination and food production

A growing number of pollinator species worldwide are being driven toward extinction by diverse pressures, many of them human-made, threatening millions of livelihoods and hundreds of billions of dollars worth...

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The Russian embargo caused 1300 billions HUF losses to the Hungarian economy

The Russian embargo has caused approximately 4.5 billion USD (1300 billion HUF) export loss to the Hungarian economy – Budai Gyula Minister of State for Foreign Economic Relations presented on...

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Irrigation development applications to be announced from April

The applications for the irrigation development of agricultural lands is expected to appear in April with a nearly fifty billion HUF amount. According to the communication of the Prime Minister's...

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IT helps the precise farmers

The spread of the micro-computers, special sensors, drones and networks revolutionize agriculture. There is no unnecessary purchase of seed, chemical waste, waste of gasoline. The 2nd Prego conference presents this...

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The Rural Development Agency paid ot more than half of the supports to the farmers

For the implementation of the agricultural policy, this year 400 billion HUF EU support is available. Until now, 270 billion HUF has been already paid out to the winners –...

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Zsigó György is the agri man of the year

The “Agri Man of the Year Award” was handed over for the second time. The jury honored Zsigó György agricultural engineer, plant engineer as the Agri Man of 2015. The...

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Horticulture Subcommittee: Hungarian apricot production is in danger

The Hungarian apricot production is at risk in, because last year, several plantations significantly damaged. At the Gönci region the destruction rate of trees amounted to 30-40 percent, and this...

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Application for Food Industrial development funds to be launched on 25 February

In order to the more thorough preparations, and taking the interests of the farmers into account, the Prime Minister's Office modified the “Mezőgazdasági termékek értéknövelése és erőforrás-hatékonyságának elősegítése a feldolgozásban”...

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Still no decision on the model farms

Although Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture has already made a proposal about which private agricultural companies can become model farms on 15 January, the government has not yet decided on...

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New applications in a value of 138 billion HUF

Six new call for proposals was published on 9 February in the Rural Development Programme, in a value of approximately 138 billion HUF – the Prime Minister’s Office announced. The...

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The spread of GMO crops is slowing

Since 2012 in terms of the sowing of GMO crops a decline can be experienced in the growth rate – the Agroinform wrote. As the benefits of GMO crops the...

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The climate change has drawn into the world map of pears

The cultivation of pears fell recently in Hungary due to the repeated failure experiences, therefore the domestic crop runs out quickly. In spite of the fact that crop prices are...

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The agricultural damages caused by migrants will be compensated partially

According to a government decision, the Ministry of Agriculture allocated 100 million HUF to mitigate the agricultural damages caused by the illegal immigrants in 2015 near Hungary's southern border. The...

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FM: Russia is a major agricultural partner for Hungary

Russia is a key partner of Hungary in the field of agriculture and the food industry, despite the fact that the trade embargo makes the relationship between the two country...

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FruitVeB: the current weather does not cause major problems

The current weather – relatively warm and rainy – still does not cause major problems in the cultivation of vegetables or orchards – the Chairman of the Hungarian Fruit and...

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Fazekas: new farmer supporting program starts

The Agricultural and Rural Development Agency (MVH) launches a new farmer-friendly program in order to support the work of the farmers – Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture said on Tuesday...

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New rules for getting the small-scale farmer ID

The new government decree on small-scale farmer IDs entered into force on 1 January 2016. With the new system farmers’ administrative burden will reduce and a ‘whitening’ process is expected...

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Israel is expecting the Hungarian eggs and beef

Israel has shown interest towards the Hungarian egg and beef – was said at the working breakfast of Uri Yehuda Ariel Haconen, Israel's Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development and...

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KPMG: more than 174 thousand farmers claimed greening support last year

In the first year of the introduction of the greening support more than 174 thousand Hungarian farmers claimed the support after about 5 million hectares in 2015 – the KPMG...

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FM: modern crop protection is a key to human health

Modern crop protection is a key to human health, because food safety begins at the soils and healthy plants – the Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM)...

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Hungarian member in the European Commission’s new agricultural committee of experts

The European Commission formed a high-level committee of experts in order to help stabilise the situation in the agri-food market. On 12 January 2016 commissioner for agriculture Phil Hogan announced...

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Magazine: Optimistic start of the year in agriculture

The majority of farmers would be satisfied this year if agriculture’s output – at least in crop yield – would reach the same level as two years ago. So far...

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