Tag "mezőgazdaság"

In a few years, we will be at the forefront of organic farming

Hungary be at the forefront of organic farming in a few years. This optimism would not follow from the current data, but significant forces have moved to make it possible....

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At the end of summer, a Digital Agricultural Academy will be launched

At the end of the summer, the Digital Agricultural Academy, which is available free of charge to all, will be launched with new curricula aimed at increasing the digital competence...

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Analyzing space images help crop production in Mezőhegyes

The researchers of the University of Szeged (SZTE) help the plant production in the area of Nemzeti Ménesbirtok és Tangazdaság Zrt. in Mezőhegyes by analyzing space images – the public...

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European Court of Auditors: EU agricultural subsidies have not made agriculture more climate-friendly

EU agricultural subsidies for climate policy have not helped reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agriculture, the European Union’s Luxembourg-based Court of Auditors announced on Monday. According to the EU...

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CNRS: organic farming may be able to supply Europe by 2050

A sustainable, biodiversity-friendly agri-food system based on organic farming could be implemented in Europe, allowing a balanced coexistence of agriculture and the environment, according to scientists from the French National...

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AM: digitalisation is the key to the green transition of agriculture

One of the most serious challenges for agriculture is generational change. As farming requires a serious and long-term commitment, the agricultural profession must be made more attractive by presenting the...

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AM: digitalisation is the key to the green transition of agriculture

One of the most serious challenges of agriculture is generational change. Since farming requires a serious and long-term commitment, young people should be attracted to the agricultural profession by presenting...

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OTP Mortgage Bank: farmland became 5 percent more expensive last year

Last year, the average price of arable land in Hungary increased by 5 percent: the average price per hectare increased from 1,593 million HUF in the previous year to 1,673...

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The rise in the price of cereals has pushed up purchase prices

In April, the average purchase price of agricultural products was 15.5 percent higher than a year before; the prices of crop and horticultural products were driven by rising prices of...

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Attention is drawn to the importance of pollinating insects in Szeged

A five-hundred-square-meter wall painting depicting a flowery meadow adorning the walls of a heating plant draws attention to the importance of pollinating insects in Szeged as part of the Urban...

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The NAK Field Days attracted a record number of visitors

A record number of more than 20,000 visitors took part in the agricultural days of the National Agricultural Chamber’s Agricultural Days and Agricultural Machinery Show-Mezőfalva, the chamber told MTI on...

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(HU) Megjelent az élelmiszeripari üzemek fejlesztéseit támogató felhívás

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Syngenta promotes successful field management with a complete range of technologies

Syngenta has re-staged its traditional field Ser-Show. In Hajdúbömény, farmers were able to see the agricultural company’s rows of arable varieties and learn about the latest technological aspirations that contribute...

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Takarékbank: eliminating food waste is one of the keys to sustainable agricultural management

Eliminating food waste is one of the keys to sustainable agricultural management, Hollósi Dávid, Managing Director of Takarékbank’s Agricultural Division said at the NAK Field Days and Agricultural Machinery Show-Mezőfalva...

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WWheat, maize, rapeseed: the Gosz-VSZT-NAK variety trials have started again this year

The National Association of Cereal Growers (GOSZ), the National Chamber of Agricultural Economy (NAK) and the Seed Association Interprofessional Organisation and Product Council (VSZT) awarded the participants of the 2020...

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Agricultural Man of the Year award presented

The Agricultural Man of the Year award was presented, which was won by Otto Pálmai in 2020, the Agrotrend Group told MTI on Monday. In 2020, the organizers again searched...

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AM: one can apply for support for small farms again

Between 3 June 2021 and 17 June 2021, small farms again had the opportunity to submit their support applications. The Ministry of Agriculture is once again encouraging those concerned to...

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Applications for the renewal of smaller livestock farms can be submitted

Applications for the development of smaller livestock farms can be submitted until July 22. The amount available for support is 30 billion HUF – Minister of Agriculture Nagy István announced...

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Applications for the renewal of smaller livestock holdings may be submitted

István Nagy, who also handed over the supporting documents of the tender for the modernisation of livestock holdings in Békés County, explained that applications could be made for the construction...

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Negotiations are frozen, no agreement yet on the new Common Agricultural Policy

Despite two days and two nights of negotiations, no agreement was reached on the Common Agricultural Policy. The Agriculture and Fisheries Council has not reached a agreement with the European...

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Chamber of Agriculture: field strawberries ripens two weeks later than usual

The wild strawberries ripen this year two weeks later. According to the overview of the National Chamber of Agriculture, the Hungarian open-air fruit will appear in large quantities in the...

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The European Commission is urging further EU action to protect pollinators

The European Commission says that further EU action is needed to protect pollinators, as one in ten bee and butterfly species is still on the verge of extinction and one-third...

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World cereal prices skyrocket

Consumer prices rose at an unprecedented rate in April compared with a year earlier. In addition to paying much more for fuels, not a basic food has become more expensive....

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Hungary does not accept any agreement adversely affecting people involved in agriculture

Hungary will not accept an agreement on the common agricultural policy that could adversely affect people living in agriculture in Hungary, Said István Nagy, Minister of Agriculture, in Brussels, after...

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Common farmland bird populations continue to decline

Birds in the EU are less abundant than a few decades ago. However, after many years of decline, it appears that the numbers of common birds have started to stabilize...

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Ministry of Agriculture: agricultural machinery sales peaked last year

For modern agriculture in the 21st century, reliable technology, good machinery, related expertise and information are the most important findings for efficient farming, the Secretary of State responsible for Agriculture...

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(HU) Nagy István agrárminiszter: A beruházások kora jön az agráriumban

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Nagy István: farmers will receive more than 950 billion forints this year

This year, the Ministry of Agriculture will enable farmers to use more than 950 billion HUF, which exceeds the total amount of support for the previous seven years, the Minister...

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SeqOmics Kft. is working on a solution to reduce the effects of drought.

SeqOmics Kft., based in Mórahalom, is working on a solution that can be applied to both seeds and seedlings to reduce the effects of drought. The project won about 212...

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AM: one can also apply for support for crop storage, dryers and cleaners

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM) is announcing a tender for the support of crop storers, dryers and cleaners with a budget of 50 billion HUF within the framework of the...

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