Tag "Metsä Tissue HU Kft."

Some surprising trends

After the negative volume sales trends in 2023, a look at NIQ figures for this year shows a further decline in the toilet paper market, already accompanied by a decline...

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Competing kitchen rolls

Last year was a difficult one for the paper towel category too. NIQ data shows that although the market expanded by 16.2% in value, it contracted by 11.7% in volume....

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Papírozzuk le!

A háztartási papírtörlők, annak ellenére, hogy textilkendőkkel könnyen helyettesíthető termékek, továbbra is nagy népszerűségnek örvendenek. Az emberek előszeretettel alkalmazzák őket takarítás során, de a nyári grillszezonnak is elengedhetetlen kellékei. Azonban egyre...

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Before and after the high season

Like-for-like household paper product sales augmented by 32.4% in value in 2022, but volume sales dropped 10% from the 2021 level. Value sales were up 40.2% in the facial tissue...

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Price wave hits toilet papers too

Innovations catered to consumer needs Value sales of toilet paper grew by 36% from 2021 to 2022, but volume sales were down 4 %. While moist toilet tissue sales increased...

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Moist tissue trend in the toilet paper category

Ildikó Kardos, Essity Hungary Kft.’s marketing manager told our magazine that value sales of both classic toilet papers and moist toilet tissues grew, but volume sales of the former dropped...

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Versatile kitchen rolls remain popular

Réka Forgách, Essity Hungary Kft.’s brand manager told our magazine that household paper product sales maintained the 2020 level in value; however, in volume there was a slight decline. Sales...

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