Tag "mesterséges intelligencia"

PwC paves the way for AI technology with the launch of Harvey legal artificial intelligence

PwC’s global network announced cooperation with Harvey in March 2023, and PwC’s member companies have already started using the tool in their local businesses. The global strategic alliance established between...

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The hybrid is coming to an end, but resilience will remain with us – What are the expected training and development trends in 2024?

Like last year, the team at [eureka] Consulting & Games has launched its training and development questionnaire to give us a better insight into what challenges companies face in this...

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SPAR deploys a virtual influencer in Slovenia

SPAR Slovenia presented its latest initiative, Sara, a virtual influencer created with the help of artificial intelligence. According to news reported by ESM, the company hopes Sara will use social...

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Hungarian companies do not excel in terms of innovation, but they take the digital transition very seriously

For the sixth semester, K&H measures the innovation activity of the domestic medium and large enterprise sector. The K&H innovation index formed from the data of the research rose to...

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GVH launches its market analysis on the effects of artificial intelligence

The Economic Competition Authority (GVH) examines the effects of artificial intelligence on market competition and the transactional decision of consumers in the framework of a market analysis. The explosive spread...

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(HU) Sportmárkák harca a gasztronómiában – A nap képe

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Unilever Teams Up With Accenture On ‘Next-Generation AI’ Project

Unilever has announced it is partnering with Accenture on a project that will ‘explore new applications to scale generative AI’, which will be based at the former’s Horizon3 Labs, recently...

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Waitrose to use AI to offer personalised online shopping

Waitrose has invested in delivering personalised online shopping to its customers by using AI. The upmarket grocer has struck a partnership with Netcore Unbxd, which will see it implement a...

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Rossmann tests artificial intelligence in Germany

As of early November, Microsoft allows German companies to use the artificial intelligence assistant “Microsoft Copilot”. Rossmann is putting it to the test in everyday work. “Microsoft Copilot” is a...

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Consumers want grocers to use AI to help them save money, Dunnhumby finds

More than half of participants in the firm’s latest Consumer Trends Tracker said they share their information with grocers to redeem rewards, up 4 percentage points from earlier this year. Consumers are...

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MATE’s training portfolio is expanding with the Master’s degree in Agricultural Technical Systems Engineering

The Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences will launch a new master’s degree in agricultural technical systems engineering in February 2024, to which you can enroll with a bachelor’s...

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Digital agriculture specialists are trained in Csongrád

The technological changes affecting agriculture are taking place at an exponential rate, and our task is to adapt agricultural vocational training to this and make it attractive for young people. All...

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We train specialists in digital agriculture

The technological changes affecting agriculture are taking place at an exponential rate, and our task is to adapt agricultural vocational training to this and make it attractive for young people. All...

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The next generation of shoppers is ready for AI, AR and robots

The next generation of shoppers prefers real shopping to virtual reality, but wants technological innovation to enhance the shopping experience: 81% of Gen Z and Millennials expect augmented reality (AR)...

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MI will transform nearly five times as many jobs as it will eliminate

The Hungarian labor market is currently under the combined fire of various trends. Generation Z young people have completely different needs than their predecessors, and due to inflation, many are...

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Bosch innovációs versenyének idei fődíjasa ​Részletek keresése 93 / 5 000 Fordítási találatok Fordítási találat An automated collision avoidance system was designed by the grand prize winner of this year’s Bosch innovation competition

For 24 hours, brains were spinning and fingers were tapping on the keyboard at the hackathon jointly organized by Bosch and CraftHub in Gamerland in Budapest. A total of 110...

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Gyorsan változó tartalmak és képernyők

A nyári szünet utáni első POPAI-találkozót szeptember 7-én délután tartották „Very Fast Moving Contents and Screens” (Gyorsan változó tartalmak és képernyők) témában. Az esemény házigazdája Lukatics Attila, a szervezet új tagvállalata,...

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Az italvilág forradalmasítása

A világhálón fellelhető hihetetlenül nagy mennyiségű információt, tudást az AI olyan sebességgel képes feldolgozni, összefüggéseket feltárni, ami az emberek számára szinte felfoghatatlan. Birtokában van az italokkal kapcsolatos átfogó ismereteknek is –...

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Warehouse Robotics Market To Be Worth $15.8bn By 2030: Study

The warehouse robotics market is set to be worth approximately $15.79 billion (€14.72 billion) by 2030, a new report by Adroit Market Research has found. This will be a significant...

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Corporate digitization is not a matter of technology, but of openness

Today, it is no longer a question that the achievements of digitization – such as artificial intelligence – fundamentally change work processes in most areas, so companies have to react...

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HELL Energy A.I.

Megszületett a világ első olyan energiaitala, amelyet teljes egészében az A.I. (Artificial Intelligence, azaz Mesterséges Intelligencia) fejlesztett a HELL ENERGY-vel. Az új íz minden elemét, szigorúan megválogatott összetevőit, designját és...

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Forradalmi változásokat hoz a digitalizáció az élelmiszeriparban és italgyártásban is

Az élelmiszeripari és italgyártó cégek háromnegyedénél hozott komoly fejlődést a termelésben a digitalizáció, felüknél pedig még további javulásra számítanak – derül ki a Schneider Electric friss tanulmányából. A cikk a...

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Coca-Cola launches beverage created with the help of artificial intelligence

Coca-Cola Y3000 is the latest flavor to launch under the company’s Creations platform designed to highlight its signature soda while drawing in younger consumers. Coca-Cola has launched Coca-Cola Y3000, a beverage...

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Already 31 percent of medium and large companies use artificial intelligence

31 percent of medium-sized and large companies already use artificial intelligence in one of their processes on a regular basis, and another 19 percent on an experimental basis, according to...

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Someone has to do this job too – Video of the day

Cleaning the toilet is not an uplifting job, so one of the most intelligent colleagues, AI, does it!...

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It changes everything: for 96% of company managers, AI is one of the most important topics

Although there are still many unanswered questions about the use of artificial intelligence, 74% of executives already believe that the benefits of generative AI will outweigh the concerns about it....

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Behavioral design is the key to successful change

If we want to put artificial intelligence at our service, we first need to understand human behavior in order to properly train algorithms and make life better overall. This requires...

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Survey reveals how retailers view AI, future deployment plans

Retailers have big plans for deploying artificial intelligence (AI) technologies — and sooner rather than later. Nearly six in 10 respondents plan to adopt AI, machine learning (ML) and computer...

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Unilever leverages AI to transform plant proteins and vegan innovation

Unilever is exploring precision fermentation to create plant-based products based on mycoprotein with its partner, Enough. “We are continuously expanding the number of products that we have in our plant-based...

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