Tag "MBH Bank"

MBH Bank analysis: Inflation moderated in June

According to MBH Bank’s latest analysis, the annual rate of inflation fell to 3.7% in June 2024, which is below the previously expected level of 4%. The level of consumer...

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MBH Bank: Encouraging outlook in the trade sector – sector outlook

In May, the retail turnover essentially stagnated, but excluding the turnover of gas stations, the monthly increase was 0.6%. The growing trend of consumer confidence has flattened out recently, essentially...

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MBH Bank: GDP growth may jump to 4.2 percent next year, but the 2.7 percent growth target can be maintained this year as well

MBH Bank’s analysts expect an economic growth of 2.7 percent for the year 2024, but for 2025 they are projecting a growth that is significantly more favorable than this year,...

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MBH Bank: Retail trade can be one of the mainstays of this year’s growth

Retail trade is one of the areas through which the population perceives the prevailing trends of the economy the most, so the state of the sector is crucial from the...

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MBH Bank and HEPA Hungarian Export Development Agency signed a cooperation agreement

MBH Bank and the HEPA Hungarian Export Development Agency signed a cooperation agreement in order to more effectively support companies active in export markets or planning to exit there, the...

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GKID-Mastercard: the momentum of domestic e-commerce seems to be running out, while Chinese webshops are also conquering Hungary

The GKID-Mastercard Digital Commerce Survey reveals a challenging landscape for domestic e-commerce in Hungary as global competition intensifies. The 2024 edition of the report underscores the slowing momentum in the...

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In alliance with agriculture: MBH Bank responds to the challenges of the market together with professional organizations

MBH Bank has signed a cooperation agreement with the Association of Hungarian Livestock Breeders, the National Association of Grain Growers, the Milk Trade Organization and Product Council, and the FruitVeb...

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MBH Bank: Growth may accelerate in the second half of the year, next year GDP may increase by 3.7 percent

The outlook for the Hungarian economy is stable, so thanks to the expected upswing in consumption, industrial production, trade and hospitality from the second half of the year, GDP growth...

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MBH Bank: Almost half of the agricultural enterprises rely on EU grant funds

Hungarian agriculture and the food industry are characterized by an optimistic mood with the launch of the European Union’s Rural Development Program, according to MBH Bank’s public opinion survey examining...

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MBH Bank analysis: Overall, this year’s annual inflation rate could be 4.1%

The last time the rate of price increase was at a similar low level was in August 2021. The change compared to the previous month was +0.7%, which reflects a...

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The Hungarian agricultural and food industry can expect a calmer year in 2024

After the often unpredictable environment of recent years, the Hungarian agricultural and food industry can expect a calmer year in 2024, the price of fertilizer, feed and energy has decreased,...

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MBH: Hungarian agriculture can expect a calmer year than last year

The agriculture and the food industry can expect a calmer year this year than in 2023, mainly the prospects of livestock keepers have improved, a more balanced period in agriculture...

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MBH Bank and Mastercard supported the Hungarian Ecumenical Relief Organization with HUF 65 million

The joint fundraising campaign of MBH Bank and Mastercard has ended, as part of which the credit institution offered 50 million forints and Mastercard 15 million forints to the Hungarian...

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Efficiency, AI and sustainability: MBH Bank and MEGOSZ work together for the development of the agricultural machinery market

MBH Bank and the National Association of Field Machine Manufacturers (MEGOSZ) signed a cooperation agreement at the AGROmashEXPO and AgrárgépShow event. The main goal of the partnership is for the most...

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The charity campaign of MBH Bank and Mastercard invites bank card customers to make a joint donation

MBH Bank and Mastercard launched a joint donation program involving customers to support the Ecumenical Aid Organization. During the charity campaign, the amount donated to the aid organization by MBH...

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Many foods are already cheaper than a year ago

According to the analysts of MBH Bank’s Agricultural and Food Business, there was a serious change in food prices in October 2023. “It seems that the quarterly price increase, which...

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MBH Bank acquires a majority stake in Fundamenta

MBH Bank Nyrt. signed a share purchase agreement for the purchase of 76.35 percent of Fundamenta-Lakáskassza Lakás-takarekpénztár Zrt. with the German Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall AG, the Austrian Bausparkasse Wüstenrot AG...

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Industrial production decreased by 5.3%

Falling short of expectations, industrial production fell by 5.3% in August, while adjusted for the working day effect, production fell by 6.1%. In the first eight months, industrial production decreased...

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Az élelmiszeripar előtt álló legfontosabb kihívások: hatékonyság, versenyképesség, marketing

Melyek az élelmiszeripar előtt álló legfontosabb kihívások a Kárpát-medencében? Milyen támogatásokra számíthat az élelmiszeripar az új uniós fejlesztéspolitikai időszakban? A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/8-9. lapszámában olvasható. Többek között ezekre a...

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Food inflation fell below another psychological limit

Food inflation in Hungary has fallen below another psychological limit, as the increase in the price of food decreased to less than 20 percent in August, the analysts of MBH...

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Retail turnover decreased by 7.6%

In July, according to raw data, the volume of retail trade decreased by 7.7%, close to expectations, and by 7.6% adjusted for the calendar effect, significantly easing compared to the...

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The net financial assets of households increased to HUF 73,974 billion

2023 II. by the end of the quarter, the total financial assets of households increased to HUF 88,437 billion, which is an increase of HUF 2,089 billion compared to the...

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The most important challenges facing the food industry in the Carpathian Basin – efficiency, competitiveness, marketing

Agency, marketing? What subsidies can the food industry expect in the new EU development policy period? Among other things, the XXXII sought answers to these questions. At the round table...

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The most important challenges facing the food industry in the Carpathian Basin

Currently, the food industry is one of the most important parts of agriculture, which could mean the future – declared Dr. Márton Nobilis, State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture responsible...

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MBH Bank predicts sustained economic growth of over 4 percent from 2024

The rate of economic growth may permanently exceed 4 percent from 2024, and inflation may decrease significantly during the second half of this year, MBH Bank experts said on Wednesday,...

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MBH Bank – The biggest merger in Hungarian banking history

On 30 April 2023, the merger of MKB Bank and Takarékbank created a new universal bank as of 1 May, which has the most branches in Hungary. Our magazine asked...

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MA-HAL and MBH Bank are working together to strengthen the fishing sector

The Hungarian Aquaculture and Fisheries Association and MBH Bank entered into a strategic cooperation. The main goal of the agreement is more efficient bank financing of Hungarian fish farming and increasing...

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The financing of the Hungarian food industry is supported by AVHGA and MBH Bank

The Agrarian-Vállalkozasi Hitelgarancia Alapítvány (AVHGA) and MBH Bank have signed a cooperation agreement promoting the up-to-date financing of businesses operating in the food industry, MBH Bank announced to MTI on...

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Visa: 83 percent of Hungarians traveling abroad pay by bank card

This year, 32 percent of Hungarians plan to travel abroad, and 83 percent of them indicated that they would like to pay with a bank card or smart device during...

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MBH Bank supports the environment with ten thousand trees

MBH Bank has taken another step towards sustainability: within the framework of an internal initiative, the bank group planted ten thousand native Hungarian tree seedlings in Southern Transdanubia this spring....

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