Tag "Marketing Commando"

Growing retail, falling SMEs: what can companies do?

A KSH adatai szerint az év első öt hónapjában javult a fogyasztás. Bár még mindig nem éri el a 2021-es év átlagát, májusban már 3,6 százalékkal nőtt a kiskereskedelmi forgalom[1]...

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A third of SMEs use artificial intelligence in their marketing

At the beginning of the year, when artificial intelligence (AI) became widely available to small and medium-sized businesses, no one expected that the new technology would spread so quickly. According...

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Facebook is the top marketing tool for SMEs

According to a recent survey by Marketing Commando, the No.1 marketing tool for Hungarian SMEs is still Facebook – 84% of them use this platform. Second most popular is the...

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The “general Facebook tax” is the new VAT for SMEs

Facebook is no longer just the most popular marketing tool for small and medium businesses, but also rated the most effective. Most SMEs have fled from the “coronavirus” there, but...

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Facebook marketing is trendy

Website, company Facebook page and e-mail – these were small businesses’ favourite marketing tools in 2015, according to Marketing Commandó’s survey, conducted with the participation of its Facebook followers and...

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