Tag "Makronóm Intézet"

Consumption in Hungary is cause for concern

According to the latest data from Eurostat, Hungary is only 70% of the European Union average in terms of per capita consumption, thus placing it in last place in the...

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Half of the domestic enterprises declare themselves to be energy conscious

Half of Hungarian businesses consider themselves energy-conscious, two-thirds prepare an internal report on energy consumption, but only 14 percent have a sustainability action plan – according to the latest research...

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According to analysts, despite the Russian-Ukrainian war, industrial production expanded in June

In spite of the Russian-Ukrainian war, industrial production expanded in June – the analysts pointed out in their analysis sent to MTI, commenting on the latest data of the Central...

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The food crisis will remain with us next year

Global food prices have fallen in recent weeks due to the resumption of grain shipments to Ukraine and recession fears, but experts say the food crisis may intensify next year...

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Up to 250 domestically owned industrial enterprises could develop into regional multinationals by the end of the decade

The Makronóm Institute carried out comprehensive research involving 1,000 Hungarian-owned small and medium-sized enterprises in order to explore the common characteristics that make Hungarian industrial production companies internationally successful. In...

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