Tag "magyar vállalkozások"

According to one analysis, labor shortages are still expected by most businesses

The majority of enterprises still expect a labor shortage, and according to most of them the situation will be even more serious – the Institute of Economics and Entrepreneurship of...

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EY: the majority of businesses considers ethical operations to be important

90 percent of Hungarian businesses consider it important to operate ethically, but executives are more likely to break the rules, EY told MTI on Tuesday. According to a survey by...

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Amazon, Facebook, Google, Apple, Booking domestic companies can sue foreign “giants” at home

The Court of Justice of the European Union has also ruled in favor of domestic companies: in order to compensate for damages resulting from an infringement of competition, the largest...

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PM: more and more Hungarian companies enter the US market

Relations between Hungary and the United States are more successful in the field of economy and finance, more and more Hungarian companies are entering the US markets – Varga Mihály,...

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A center to help Hungarian businesses enter the US market opened in Washington

The center was opened in one of the facilities of the building complex of the Hungarian Embassy in Washington. Offering accommodation, logistical services and practical help of economic professionals for...

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Businesses in Hungary are optimistic

Hungarian companies are increasingly optimistic – according to the October survey of the Institute for Economic and Enterprise Research of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK). The information...

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Nearly nine-tenths of the workers receive fringe benefits at the Hungarian businesses

At the Hungarian businesses, 88 percent of the employees receive at least one type of cafeteria in 2018. Most of the interviewed employers, more than 55 percent of them called...

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Progress Bar: More and more Hungarian hardware startups are on the brink of international success

Hardware is hard, so hardware development is a tough nuts – it is one of the frequently reiterated phrase of the international startup world, which suggests that a start-up innovative...

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Budapest Bank survey on EU funds

Hungary’s companies have claimed 270 billion HUF of preferential credit products combined with non-refundable EU grants, which is more than half of the announced budget – Budapest Bank (BB) told...

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MKIK GVI: Businesses are more positive about their situation

Businesses more positively assess their current profitability, order stock and business position than a quarter earlier, according to the July data survey of MKIK and GVI. The business climate index...

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Garantiqa: the small businesses would be develop from EU sources

In the next year, nearly a quarter of the Hungarian micro-enterprises and 41 percent of the small businesses plan to apply for EU funds – according to a surveys of...

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Hungarian companies can participate in one of the world’s largest startup festival

Five Hungarian innovative companies can participate in the world’s largest startup festival, at the South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive organized in Austin, USA. The Hungarian participation is carried out with...

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Young Entrepreneurs Association: only 27 percent of Hungarian entrepreneurs can be considered young

Twenty-seven percent of the Hungarian entrepreneurs belong to the age group under 40 years, only they can be considered as young entrepreneurs, however, there are 19 thousand companies can be...

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