Tag "magyar turisták"

Two thirds of Hungarians are planning a holiday in Croatia this year

Two-thirds of Hungarians are planning a holiday in Croatia this year, according to the latest online survey of the accommodation booking website Szallas.hu, which also revealed that eight out of...

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The number of Hungarian tourists in Croatia has doubled

Last year, twice as many Hungarian tourists visited Croatia as in 2020, and the number of guest nights increased at almost the same rate, making Hungary the sixth most important...

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Almost twice as many Hungarians traveled to Croatia this year as last year

Compared to the same period last year, 90 percent more Hungarian tourists have visited Croatia so far, and their bookings in hotels have increased the most, the director of the...

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The number of Hungarians traveling to Croatia has increased significantly

Compared to last year, the number of Hungarians traveling to Croatia almost doubled by the end of June this year, said the Hungarian director of the Croatian Tourist Board at...

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The number of Hungarian tourists in Croatia set a record last year

The number of Hungarian tourists and the number of guest nights in Croatia set a record last year, continuing the trend that has been going on for years – the...

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Croatian tourist office expects a record number of Hungarian guests

By the end of September the 600,000th Hungarian guest can arrive to Croatia, so last year’s record of 572,000 visitors can be broken – the Head of the Croatian Tourist...

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The number of Hungarian tourists increased by more than 7 percent in Croatia

In Croatia, 7 percent more Hungarian tourists were registered in the first seven months of the year – the Manager of teh Croatian Tourist Board in Budapest told MTI on...

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More and more Hungarian tourists travel to Croatia

More and more Hungarian tourists travel to Croatia – Marin Skenderovic, head of the Croatian Tourist Board in Budapest told M1 news channel on Saturday. Last year Hungarian tourists spent...

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On average, 194 thousand forints are spent on vacation by the Hungarians this year according to a survey

63 percent of Hungarians are expected to go on vacation this year and plan to spend on average 194 thousand forints on it – according to the survey of the...

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Hungarians are considered as good guests in Croatia

Considering the average daily spendings, the Hungarians are good guests in Croatia. In the first five months of this year one-third more Hungarians visited Croatia than a year before –...

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The number of Hungarians visiting Croatia has increased significantly at the beginning of the year

In the first three months of the year, the number of Hungarian tourists visiting Croatia increased significantly, with an increase of almost 50 percent – the Croatian Tourism Association’s Head...

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The number of Hungarian guest nights exceeded three million in Croatia

For the first time in the history of the two countries’ tourist connections, the number Hungarian guest nights exceeded 3 three million in Croatia in 2017, the Croatian Tourist Board...

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More and more Hungarian tourists travel to Germany

More and more Hungarian tourists travel to Germany. The number of guest nights spent by Hungarians has increased by 65.5 percent over the last ten years, which has already surpassed...

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The number of Hungarian tourists broke a record in Croatia

Breaking all previous records 513 thousand Hungarian tourists visited Croatia last year, where they spent 2.753 million guest nights – the Croatian National Tourist Board informed MTI on Wednesday. Marin...

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Neckermann: Spain, Greece and Bulgaria are the most popular destinations among the Hungarians

Spain, Greece and Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy and Austria are the most popular destinations among the Hungarians during this year's summer season – the managing director of Neckermann Travel told MTI...

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Hungarians travelers will brake a record to Croatia this year

By mid-September more Hungarian tourists have visited Croatia than last year and the number of Hungarians guest nights also exceeded the full-year data of 2015 – Marin Skenderovic Head of...

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After last year's record the number of Hungarian tourists continued to increase in Croatia

In the first four months of the year, the number of Hungarian tourists has increased in Croatia after last year's 20-year record – the Croatian National Tourist Board informed MTI...

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A record number of Hungarian tourists visited Croatia last year

A record number of Hungarian tourists visited Croatia last year, more than 470 thousand Hungarian guests spent more than 2.5 million nights in Croatia in 2015 – the Croatian National...

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Hungarian tourism broke a record in Croatia

The Hungarian tourists spent more than 2.4 million guest nights in Croatia this year breaking a 20 year record – Marin Skenderovic informed MTI on Thursday. The head of Croatian...

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The number of Hungarian tourists is growing the fastest in Croatia

The number of Hungarian tourists and guest nights increased by almost one-fifth in Croatia in July this year compared with a year before. This is the largest growth in terms...

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An increasing number of Hungarian tourists are traveling to Croatia

During the first five months of 2015, the number of Hungarian tourists show the fastest growth in Croatia, after the tourists of Germany, South Korea and the United States –...

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MUISZ: most people booked their hoilday to Greece

On the basis of the booking data, most people booked bus or airplane charter vacation to Greece – Bakó Balázs, member of the Communications Committee of the Hungarian Association of...

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We spend more money this year than last summer

According to the survey of the trivago.hu travel website this year the Hungarians are looking for mostly the same destinations as last summer, but on average they are willing to...

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