Tag "Magyar Szállodák és Éttermek Szövetsége"

European Hotel Associations: short-term apartment leases should be registered

According to the European Hotel Association, those who are dealing with short-term apartment leases (sharing economy) should be registered – the Association of Hungarian Hotels and Restaurants told MTI after...

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Hotel Association: the EU institutions support the strengthening of hotel ratings

The institutions of the European Union support the further strengthening of the Hotelstars Union’s (HSU) certification system used on the European hotel industry – the Association of Hungarian Hotels and...

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Hotel reservations increased for the long weekend

Hotel reservation datas are encouragingly high for the long weekend. Significant part of the hotels are full throughout the country – Niklai Ákos, president of the Hungarian Association of Hotels...

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Hotel Association: the Hotelstars Union is a good solution to harmonize the classification

The European Parliament (EP) believes that the Hotelstars Union (HSU) is a good initiative to harmonize the hotel classification systems – the Hungarian Association of Hotels and Restaurants told MTI...

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Hotel Association: private accommodations should be regulated

The activities of the private accommodations should not be banned, but there is a need to regulate them – according to the president of the Hungarian Association of Hotels and...

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Hotel Association: collaboration and VAT reduction is needed to achieve growth

The Hungarian hotels have tremendous growth opportunities that are not yet exploited. To reach success joining forces and VAT reduction is needed in the sector – the president of the...

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Hotel Association: the hotels in Budapest have pulled the national hotel performance upwards

In the first-quarter, the hotels in Budapest have pulled the national hotel performance in the first quarter: the number of guest nights increased by 7.5 percent nationwide and rose by...

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Hotel Association: the number of domestic guest nights increased by 10 percent in hotels in Hungary

In the first two months of the year, the number of domestic guest nights increased by 10 percent, while the number of foreign guest nights increased by 7.6 percent, compared...

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60 percent of the hotel market is the member of the trade mark system already

The Hotelstar rating system is operating successfully. Already 60 percent of the Hungarian hotel capacity (73 percent of the guest nights) have joined to the system – Ruszinkó Ádám Deputy...

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The “Hotel of the Year” titles were handed over

The Corinthia Hotel Budapest won the “Hotel of the Year” title this year in the five-star category. The competition was announced by Hungarian Association of Hotels and Restaurants in cooperation...

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