Tag "magyar gazdaság"

GDP grew by two percent in the third quarter

The gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 2.0 percent in the third quarter, compared to the same period of last year – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced its first...

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KSH: retail sales strengthened further

In September, the volume of retail sales increased by 5.1 percent, compared to the same period of last year, both according to calendar adjusted and raw data – the Central...

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The VOSZ urges an immediate reduce in contributions

The National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers urges immediate reduce in contributions in the sectors that mostly contribute to economic growth – the National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers told...

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The GKI sentiment index decreased to its three-years low in October

Although the GKI sentiment index deteriorated only slightly in October, it is standing on its three-year low point. According to a survey of the GKI (www.gki.hu), carried out with EU...

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Raiffeisen: 2.3 percent GDP growth for this year and 2.7 percent for the next year

Raiffeisen Bank’s analysts say that this year 2.3 percent, for next year 2.7 economic growth is expected in Hungary – Török Zoltán, senior analyst of the financial institution said at...

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NGM: inflation will be below 0.4 percent this year

The government's convergence program expects an average inflation of 0.4 percent for the whole year. According to recently published data it will be slightly below it – Balogh László, Deputy...

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Pénzügykutató: Economic growth may accelerate next year

In its latest forecast presented on Monday, the Pénzügykutató Zrt. forecasts a 2.2 percent GDP growth for this year and a 3.0 percent growth for next year, after last year's...

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MNB: businesses used 231.8 billion HUF in the third stage of the NHP so far this year

In the third phase of the growth loan program (NHP) between 1 January to 30 September, the companies concluded contracts amounting to 231.8 billion HUF, of which 68 percent were...

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KSH: retail sales accelerated again in August

According to the raw data, the volume of retail sales increased by 5.8 percent in August, compared to the same period last year. Calendar effect adjusted, the volume of retail...

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Kopint-Tárki: GDP may grow by 2.2 this year and 2.7 percent next year

According to the lastest forecast of the Kopint-Tárki Zrt., the Hungarian economy may grow by 2.2 this year and by 2.7 percent next year. The government deficit this year may...

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The PMI is increasing for nine-months

The seasonally adjusted volume of the Purchasing Managers' Index (PME) was 57 points in September – Origo wrote. According to the analysis of the Hungarian Association of Logistics, Purchasing and...

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GDP grew by more than three percent last year

Last year, the GDP was 33 999.0 billion HUF. Calculated at constant prices GDP increased by 3.1 percent compared to the previous year, while the deficit of the governmental sector...

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GKI: Hungary's GDP may expand by 2 percent this year and by 2.7 percent in 2017

According to the most recent forecast of the GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. ( GKI Economic Research Co.), Hungary's GDP may expand by 2 percent this year and by 2.7 percent in...

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KSH: the number of employees increased in June-August

In June-August, the number of employees was 4 million 386 thousand, 135 thousand more than the year before. The employment rate for the 15-64 age group increased by 2.5 percentage...

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NGM: consumer confidence is the sign of retail growth

The growth in retail sales is continuous for more than three years, which reflects consumer confidence – the Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) told...

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Savings Bank: GDP may increase by 2.2 percent this year and by 3.3 percent next year

The Hungarian economy may grow by 2.2 percent this year, while by 3.3 percent next year, according to the most recent forecast of the Savings Bank (Takarékbank Zrt.). The government...

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Equilor: the growth of the Hungarian economy may fall short of the government's ambition

According to Equilor’s analysts, this year's growth of the Hungarian economy may fall short of the government's ambition, and is expected to be 2 percent – Szántó András, director of...

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Analysts: investments are needed to achieve higher growth

On the basis of the detailed GDP figures this year’s economic growth may be even more favorable than the analysts' expectations – according to analysts interviewed by MTI, who also...

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Analysts: the slowdown in retail sales growth is only temporary

The slowdown in retail sales growth is only temporary. In the next few months, the previous momentum may return – according to experts interviewed by MTI. Ürmössy Gergely, senior macroeconomic...

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KSH: GDP increased by 2.6 percent in the second quarter

The volume of the gross domestic product grew by 2.6 percent in the second quarter, compared to the same period of last year. According to the seasonally and calendar adjusted...

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KSH: an increase in retail sales in July

According to the raw data the volume of retail turnover in July, increased by 2.7 percent. The calendar effect adjusted data rose by 3.8 percent compared to the same period...

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K&H Bank: SME loans increased by 8 percent

K&H Bank's small and medium enterprise (SME) business branch increased by 8 percent in this year's first five months – Rajna Gábor, director of K&H responsible for bank sales networks...

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KSH: the number of employees increased in May-July

In May-July, the number of employees increased with 148 thousand people, compared with a year earlier. The number of employees (4 million 372 thousand), corresponds to an increase of 3.5...

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(HU) GKI: Gyorsuló, de szerény növekedés

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Retail sales may increase further

The growth in retail sales may remain, if the trends of the last four years continue – the Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) told...

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NGM: more than 68 billion HUF in EU the development sources

Recent sponsorship decisions were born within the framework of the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme (GINOP). 247 projects won more than 68 billion HUF EU development funds – the...

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A further increase in wages is expected by analysts

A further increase in wages is expected by analysts interviewed by MTI, who foresee that household consumption will be the driving force of economic growth. According to data published on...

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KSH: net earnings increased by 7.3 percent in June

In June, the gross average wage was 5.7 percent higher than a year earlier, while the net average wage increased by 7.3 percent due to changes in personal income tax...

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GVI: SME sector’s business confidence index decreased in the second quarter

According to the data of the Hungarian Trade and Industry Board (MKIK) and Economics and Business Research Institute (IEER) July survey, the business climate index in the small and medium-sized...

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The VOSZ also supports the contribution reduction ideas

The National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers (VOSZ) also supports the idea of Varga Mihály, Minister for Economic Affairs about the contributions reduction proposal – the advocacy organization announced on...

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