Tag "magyar gazdaság"

MNB: The financial situation of households and companies improved in October

In October, households repayed more loans than they incurred and increased their deposits by a significant amount, and companies received less credit for the third month than savings were placed...

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KSH: foreign trade surplus was 937 million euros in September

In September, the value of exports increased by 5.6, while imports increased by 6.7 percent compared to a year before. Foreign trade sales amounted to 937 million euros, 28 million...

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A growth in the November Purchasing Manager Index

The seasonally adjusted Purchasing Manager Index (BMI) for November was 58.6 points, slightly more than the 58.3 points of September. Compared with previous Novembers, this year’s value exceeds the long-term...

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VOSZ organized the Day of Entrepreneurs for the 19th time

Never a worse year – Varga Mihály evaluated year 2017 at the 19th Entrepreneurs Day this year. The Minister of National Economy recalled that next year the burdens on wages...

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Growth in retail sales may accelerate further

Growth in retail sales may continue to accelerate in the coming months, according to analysts interviewed by MTI. According to the Central Statistical Office, the volume of retail sales in...

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KSH: the number of employees was 41 thousand more than a year before

During the three-month period from August to October, the average number of employees was 4 million 445 thousand, 41 thousand more than a year before. The employment rate for people...

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London analysts expect growth above 3 percent for the Hungarian economy next year

According to London’s financial analysts, the Hungarian economy will grow over its own long-term trend average over the next few years, and the growth rate is expected to exceed 3...

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KSH: Investments increased by 18.3 percent

In the third quarter of this year, the volume of investments grew by 18.3 percent, compared to the previous year’s low base, following the 26.8 percent rise in the previous...

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The first export trains started from Budapest to China

On Monday, the first two export trains set off to China. Mosóczi László, deputy minister of state of the Ministry of National Development (NFM), called attention to the transit role...

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GKI’s business cycle index is close to its peak again

GKI’s business cycle index again approached its September historic peak in November. Business expectations slightly improved, and consumer expectations fell within the margin of error – the GKI Economic Research...

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Hungary aims to become China’s main exporter in the region

Hungary’s realistic goal is to become China’s largest export partner in Central Europe and to play a leading role in China’s investment in Central Europe – the Minister of Foreign...

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KSH: retail sales have continued to grow

In September, the volume of retail stores grew by 5.6 percent. According to the raw data it was 5.6 percent higher than a year before, while calendar effect adjusted it...

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A growth in Christmas turnover is expected in retail

Retail sales may exceed last year’s 1000 billion HUF turnover by 3-4 percent in December this year – Vámos György, secretary general of the National Trade Association (OKSZ) told at...

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NGM: the increase in earnings is mainly due to the wage agreement

According to the Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) responsible for Labor Market and Training, earnings growth is mainly due to the fact that in November...

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KSH: earnings rose by 13.6 percent in September

In September, average wages grew by 13.6 percent compared to a year before – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) reported on Wednesday. The annual rate of increase of average earnings...

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The Hungarian National Trading House is organizing an IKT Expo Academy again

The Hungarian National Trading House (MNKH) is organizing an IKT Expo Academy for the second time in November and December. According to the Hungarian National Trading House (MNKH), the two-day...

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Moody’s: the external vulnerability of the Hungarian economy has declined significantly

The external vulnerability of the Hungarian economy has been reduced significantly. This is one of the pillars of the sovereign Hungarian debtor profile registered with a rating of “Baa3” –...

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GfK: Per capita purchasing power grew by more than 10 percent in Hungary

The per capita purchasing power increased by more than 10 percent, from last year’s 5549 to 6204 euros in Hungary, with which the country continues to be ranked 30th on...

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The IMF has improved its forecast growth for the Hungarian economy

The IMF has raised its annual growth forecast for Hungary this year by 0.3 percentage points to 3.2 percent in its autumn regional economic forecast from the 2.9 percent forecasted...

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The domestic corporate sector has a stable future view

Based on the latest third quarter results of the K & H growth index, the stability of the largest domestic companies is clearly evident. In the following year, 2.3 percent...

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Up to 150-200 thousand workers may be missing from the domestic job market

The number of employees in Budapest grew by 134,000 in seven years – while the lack of skilled workers is also a serious problem in the capital. The growing domestic...

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The European Commission is expecting a 3.7 percent growth this year and a 3.6 percent growth for 2018

The European Commission is expecting a 3.7 percent growth in Hungary this year, and a 3.6 percent growth for 2018. For 2019, 3.1 percent economic growth is expected. The European...

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MNB: the inflation indexes also declined in October

In October, while annual inflation declined by 0.3 percentage points to 2.2 percent – according to the analysis published by the National Bank of Hungary (MNB) on Thursday. Indirect tax-purified...

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KSH: export rose by 5.5 percent in September

In September, the value of exports in euro increased by 5.5 and imports grew by 6.7 percent, compared to the same period of last year, according to a first estimate...

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NGM Minister of State: A more flexible labor market is needed

Cseresnyés Péter, Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM), called the greatest challenge to make the labor market more flexible, including the transformation of public employment and...

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Retail increased by 5.4 percent in September

In September, retail sales grew by 5.4 percent compared to the year before. The calendar effect adjusted year-on-year increase was 6.0 percent, according to a first estimate of the Central...

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Turnover can be 10,000 billion this year

After years of positive growth, this year the turnover of trade can reach the 10,000-billion HUF threshold – was said at the 13th European Trade Day, which has become a...

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Export growth exceeded 10 percent

In August, the value of exports in euro was 10.2 percent higher, while imports increased by 12.6 percent, compared to the year before. The trade surplus was 458 million euros,...

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The purchasing manager index in October was higher than the average

The seasonally adjusted value of the Purchasing Manager’s Index (PMI) in October was 58.3 points, which is below the 59.3 points of September. Compared with past Octobers, this year’s value...

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Analysts: employment on historic peak

The number of employees has risen to record highs in the third quarter and the market analysts expect a further decline in unemployment, market analysts commented on the labor market...

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