Tag "magyar gazdaság"

KSH: the number of employed increased in the fourth quarter of last year

In October-December last year, the average number of employees was 4 million 481 thousand, 34 thousand more than a year before. The employment rate of 15-64-year-olds increased by 0.7 percentage...

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National Innovation Forum to start at 25 locations

The Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) and the National Office for Research, Development and Innovation (NKFIH) to launch National innovation consultation series. The National innovation consultation series to take...

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The net surplus of EU funds to Hungary exceeds 11 thousand billion forints

Since joining the EU, Hungary has received more than 11,000 billion forints as EU support by 2017, as it has paid into the community – the head of the European...

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Equilor expects slower economic growth

Equilor expects a slowdown in economic growth in Hungary this year, and expects the forint to turn into a weakening path after the beginning of the year and to reach...

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PM: companies intend to increase wages by 10 percent this year

According to the feedbacks, the companies are trying to increase their wages by around 10 percent or a little more this year – Marczinkó Zoltán, Deputy Minister of State of...

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KSH measured double-digit earnings growth

In November last year gross and net earnings were 10.4 percent higher than a year before, gross average earnings were 355,100 forints – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on...

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Bisnode: the payment morale of companies improved last year

The proportion of invoices paid in time increased last year, and the average payment delay was reduced by two days – according to Bisnode’s year-end data. According to the business...

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Opten: 500,000 private entrepreneurs are operating in Hungary already

Last year a huge number of individual businesses were established in Hungary, and their number is close to half a million, according to Opten. According to the company information service...

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The itemized tax of small taxpayers is becoming increasingly popular

The itemized tax of small taxpayers (kata) is becoming more and more popular. On 1 January 1, more than 315,000 businesses have chosen this tax form that requires minimal administration...

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Inflationary pressures on the economy are strengthening

Inflationary pressures on the economy are strengthening – macroeconomic analysts told MTI. This year the core inflation could reach 3 percent permanently, while the National Bank of Hungary (MNB) could...

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The number of company foundations may grow further, according to Opten

Based on company court data, last year, 27,647 companies were established, but more was lost. This year, the number of company foundations may increase – according to Opten’s announcement on...

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The net financial wealth per GDP increased ther most in Hungary within the V4

According to a recent analysis by the Századvég Gazdaságkutató Zrt., the net financial wealth of households in GDP has increased the most in Hungary, compared to other Visegrád countries since...

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We are getting less and less variable-interest loans

People are getting less and less variable interest loans. The proportion of fixed interest rate safe loans increased in 2018 – Trencsán Erika, expert of BankRácio.hu told M1 news channel....

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The confidence of SMEs has decreased

The confidence index, reflecting the expectations of companies has fallen by two points, so it is standing on five points – the K&H survey reveals – Világgazdaság Online wrote. The...

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The amount of cash in circulation has increased in Hungary

In recent years, the amount of cash in circulation in Hungary has increased – Németh Dávid, analyst of K&H told M1 news channel. According to the analyst, although cash is...

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Economists say that Hungarians are more optimistic

Hungary’s economic sentiment index is the highest in the EU, and the economic optimism of people has grown significantly in the country – Regős Gábor, economist of Századvég told M1...

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Retail sales continue to grow in January, according to GKI

In January this year, retail sales growth is expected to increase to 5.4 percent and in the first half of 2019 an increase of 4.5 percent is expected on average...

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Analysts: foreign trade surplus may decline further

The dynamic growth of domestic consumption and investment continues to exert a significant suction power on imports, while the uncertainty of external market activity risks jeopardizing export growth prospects, and...

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MLBKT: the purchasing manager index increased in December

The seasonally adjusted December value of the Purchasing Manager Index (PMI) was 54.2 points after the 53.5 points in November. According to the survey, the respondents reported on more favorable...

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Hungary is the first to draw EU funds

In 2018, the European Commission allocated 4.4 billion euros to Hungary, ie more than 1,400 billion HUF development funds – said Schanda Tamás, Minister of State of the Innovation and...

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KSH: retail sales continued to increase

According to the raw data of last November, retail sales increased by 5.3 percent and calendar effect adjusted by 5.2 percent, compared to a year before – the Central Statistical...

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Analysts: retail sales growth may slow down this year together with real wages

Analysts interviewed by MTI were not surprised by the slight slowdown in the growth rate of retail sales in November, which was supported by the high base data for the...

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KSH: employment remained close to the peak

During the three-month period of last September-November, the average number of employees was 4,494 thousand, 44,000 more than a year before. The employment rate of the 15-64 year-olds increased by...

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Retail sales continue to thrive

Retail sales in October increased by 6.4 percent. Calendar effect adjusted increased by 5.5 percent, compared to the previous year, according to a second estimate of the Central Statistical Office...

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Nielsen: domestic retail turnover is stable

Retail performance is stable all across Europe: the steady consumer confidence and low inflation have also contributed to the 3.7 percent growth of the third quarter of 2018. Compared to...

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The Századvég has upgraded the growth expectations for this year and for the next year

The Századvég Gazdaságkutató Zrt. has upgraded its growth forecasts for 2018 and 2019. For 2018 instead of the previous 4.4 percent, 4.6 percent is forecasted, while for 2019, 3.9 percent...

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Kopint-Tárki has improved its growth expectations

Kopint-Tárki expects this year’s economic growth to be faster than expected. The economic researcher has raised its growth forecast for this year by 20 basis points to 4.8 percent, while...

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Agriculture can achieve record performance this year

Hungarian agriculture has been successful in many ways this year, which is why output can rise slightly, exceeding 2600 billion forints, which can be a new record level – the...

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Inflation is over three percent

In November, consumer prices were on average 3.1 percent higher than a year before, with an average decrease of 0.3 percent compared to October, according to the Central Statistical Office...

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KSH: agricultural production increased by 3.1 percent in 2018

Agricultural output grew 3.1 percent this year after falling 5.2 percent last year. Crop production grew by 1.8 percent, while livestock production grew 5.7 percent, compared to the previous year,...

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