Tag "magyar gazdaság"

Analysts: the coronary epidemic may slow down the performance of the economy

Economic analysts told MTI that the coronary epidemic makes economic forecasts in this year uncertain, but they still expect an around 4 percent. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increased by 4.5...

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With full employment, the number of economically active people is decreasing

The labor market is stabilizing, reaching full employment – but the number of economically active people has been falling for four months – according to a quick analysis by ING,...

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KSH: gross earnings increased by 11.4 percent to 367,800 HUF last year

In December last year, average gross earnings were 406,400 HUF, 13.1 percent higher than a year before, so last year’s average earnings were 367,800 HUF and net 244,600 HUF, both...

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The GKI economic activity index remained on its 3 year nadir

GKI’s business index remained at its almost 40-month low in January, following a slight deterioration in business expectations in February and a nearly same improvement in consumer expectations – the...

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Hungarians in Europe are the least indebted compared to to their income

The total debt of the Hungarian population compared to income is the lowest in Europe, but it is often difficult to pay the bills, according to a European survey by...

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Opten: again is more of a sole proprietor than a company

After one and a half decades, there are more self-employed again than corporate businesses in Hungary – Opten told MTI. According to the company information service provider, nearly 88,000 sole...

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The European Commission has improved its forecast for Hungarian GDP growth in 2020

The European Commission has revised its forecast for the Hungarian gross domestic product (GDP) growth in 2020. Brussels estimates that economic growth in Hungary is expected to be 3.2 percent...

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Leasing of labor is a stable solution according to the trade union

Temporary employment is the most widespread form of atypical employment. While in a typical employment relationship, one employer can easily dismiss the staff, with 50 to 100 partners providing solution...

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MNB: rising fuel and food prices pushed up inflation in January

The rise in inflation is mainly explained by the rise in fuel and food prices – the National Bank of Hungary (MNB) said in its comment on January inflation data....

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KSH: agricultural output stagnated last year

Agricultural production was down 0.3 percent from the previous year due to a 1.7 percent growth in the livestock sector and a decline in crop and horticultural products. The 3.2...

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Analysts have positively surprised with Q4 GDP

Last year’s fourth-quarter GDP figures gave a positive surprise, according to analysts reporting to MTI, but the slowdown is expected to continue this year. According to the first estimate released...

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MNB: Households’ net wealth exceeded 108 percent of the GDP at the end of 2019

Households’ net financial assets increased by 11.7 percent last year to 50,932 billion HUF at the end of the year. Households’ financial assets totaled 61,161 billion HUF, accounting for 130.8...

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KSH: gross domestic product increased by 4.9 percent in 2019

Last year, gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 4.9 percent year-on-year, according to the first estimate of the Central Statistical Office (KSH) published on Friday. Annual GDP growth was 4.3...

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KSH consumer prices rose 4.7 percent in January

Consumer prices were on average 4.7 percent higher in January than a year before – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Thursday. Consumer prices rose to a greater extent...

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A top feeling

In 2020 economic growth was around 5 percent in Hungary, and this was one of the top growth rates in the EU. For 2020 GKI calculates with a 3-3.5 percent...

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The foreign trade surplus last year was almost 5 billion euros

The value of exports in euro terms increased by 4.0 percent and imports rose 4.8 percent in 2019, and the foreign trade surplus fell by 4.985 billion euros to 535...

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KSH: retail sales increased by six percent last year

Retail sales grew by six percent in 2019, according to both raw and calendar-effect adjusted data, after the 6.7 percent of the previous year – the Central Statistical Office announced...

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Nielsen: we spent 2.5 trillion HUF in retail in 2019

Hungarians spent nearly 2,500 billion forints in 17,000 business units in 2019, which is a 7 percent increase, compared to the 2018 total annual sales. Sales volume increased by about...

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Three quarters of the households do not feel financially stronger despite real wage growth

In a survey sent to MTI on Tuesday, GKI notes that between 2014 and 2019, nominal earnings increased by more than 60 percent and real earnings by almost 50 percent....

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According to GKI, the economy may grow by 3-3.5 percent this year

The Hungarian economy expanded last year at around 5 percent, one of the fastest in the European Union. Overall, the October-November data do not yet indicate a slowdown, but the...

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Analysts: earnings outperformed expectations

Earnings surpassed expectations last November, according to analysts interviewed by MTI, and this year is likely to be above 9 percent. Horváth András, senior analyst at the Savings Bank, emphasized...

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Food producer prices have risen well above the average

In December last year, industrial producer prices increased by 2.4 percent year-on-year – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Monday. Domestic sales prices increased on average by 3.3 percent,...

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The Purchasing Manager Index decreased in January

The seasonally adjusted January Purchasing Manager Index (PMI) became 52.5. It is lower than the 53.9 of December and it is the fifteenth highest since January 1995, the Hungarian Logistics,...

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Public cash stock set a record high

It has increased by 102.5 billion HUF in December and reached 6,627 billion HUF by the end of the year. The public cash stock in Hungary is an average of...

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Earnings increased by 13.9 percent in November last year due to bonuses

As a result of non-recurring salary items – last November, average gross earnings were 403,500 HUF, 13.9 percent higher than a year before – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced...

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The external trade balance remains in surplus

The euro value of exports rose 0.2 percent in November last year, while imports fell 0.3 percent year-on-year. The balance of foreign trade in goods improved by 44 million euros...

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Analysts: further employment growth faces barriers

Labor market expansion is increasingly constrained. Expanding training opportunities and further development of vocational trainings are essential for the continued involvement of the public, the unemployed and the inactive –...

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KSH increased its employment by 38 thousand in the fourth quarter

In the third quarter of October-December last year, ie in the fourth quarter, the average number of employees was 4 million 520 thousand, 38 thousand more than a year before....

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MFB launches three new loan programs for SMEs

The Hungarian Development Bank (MFB) Zrt. announces three new loan programs for Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises – Sipos-Tompa Levente, President and CEO of MFB Zrt. announced at a press...

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Analysts at the Savings Bank raised their GDP forecast for this year

Due to easing external risks and strong FDI inflows, Savings Bank analysts have raised their GDP growth forecast from 3.7 percent to 4 percent this year, and expect 3.5 percent...

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