Tag "magyar gazdaság"

KSH: producer prices rose by 4.3 percent in March

In March, domestic industrial sales prices rose by an average of 1.5 percent, of which prices in manufacturing rose by 3.3 percent and those in energy fell by 1.9 percent....

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További adózási könnyítésekről döntött a kormány

Az egészségügyi veszélyhelyzet során felhalmozott adótartozást nem veszi figyelembe a Nemzeti Adó- és Vámhivatal (NAV) az adóslistája meghatározásakor – hívja fel a figyelmet az EY. A legfrissebb kormányrendelet alapján számos...

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How and at what price we can keep our employees

There is no question that the key to a successful restart of the economy is to keep our employees, but how and at what price? – Baja Sándor, Managing Director...

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KSH: unemployment was 3.7 percent in the first quarter

In the period of January-March, the average number of unemployed was 173 thousand, the unemployment rate was 3.7 percent, 0.2 percentage points higher than a year before. In March, about...

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More than 400,000 people are already looking for work in Hungary due to the epidemic

The beginning of the year was promising until the announcement of the COVID-19 virus emergency. However, since 11 March, the situation has changed dramatically: a recent, representative survey found that...

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Euler Hermes: How many companies can become insolvent this year

Due to the brutal economic shock caused by the pandemic, the number of corporate insolvencies will increase by 20-25 percent globally this year, but each economic region will suffer from...

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MNB: only solution is lending now

The only rational solution on the part of banks in the current epidemic situation is lending, Nagy Márton, Vice President of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB) said at the Portfolio’s...

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Go For It Growth Loan Program

The nhp hajrá (Go For It Growth Loan Program) for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises will be available from Monday – 24.hu wrote. The 1,500 billion HUF fixed-rate funds available...

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New tax measures have been announced

The government decided on new measures, mainly tax measures, at its last meeting, and these were summarized in the video of Minister of Finance Varga Mihály – portfolio.hu wrote. Gulyás...

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GKI: Will there be growth in retail this year?

Between 2017 and 2019, retail sales increased by 20% in value and 13% in volume. Monthly growth was 7.6% in January 2020 and 11.3% in February, partly due to panic...

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There will be a band for the special retail tax

In Tuesday’s Hungarian Gazette, the government promulgated a decree on a special tax on retail chains. The special tax will be banded, you have to pay over 500 million HUF...

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The special retail tax is coming again

The special retail tax will be reintroduced in Hungary, which will be used in the fund set up to control the epidemic. Multinational retail chains will pay 36 billion HUF...

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The consequences of the coronavirus for SMEs are redundancies and cuts in investment

Barely three weeks after the official appearance of the coronavirus in Hungary, Hungarian SMEs are becoming more and more gloomy about the prospects for their business this year, according to...

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Analysts: retail could jump in March

The record increase in retail sales in February was driven by the coronavirus epidemic, and this indicator is one of the few to be positively affected. Consumption will certainly continue...

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The contracted loan amount reached 2,450 billion HUF within the framework of the Széchenyi Card Program

Within the framework of the Széchenyi Card Program, 408 thousand loan applications were accepted from the beginning of 2002 until the end of March this year, the number of concluded...

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The turnover of retail stores increased by 10.9 percent in February,

According to raw data, retail sales in February were 10.9 percent higher and calendar-adjusted 11.3 percent higher than a year before – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) reported on Friday....

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MLBKT: the value of the purchasing manager index decreased by almost half

In March, the impact of the coronavirus epidemic unfolded. The Purchasing Manager index fell to 29.1 points from the previous month’s 50.3 points – the Hungarian Logistics, Purchasing and Inventory...

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KSH: average earnings increased by 9.2 percent in January

National average gross earnings in January were 375 thousand HUF, up 9.2 percent year-on-year, while excluding the public sector they were HUF 385 thousand 300 HUF, up 8.8 percent. For...

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MNB: inflation may stabilize around 3 percent

Inflation may fall below 3 percent this year and stabilize at around 3 percent over the longer term – the head of the Economic Forecast and Analysis Directorate said at...

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Deloitte: That is how the world’s factories protecting themselves from the effects of the corona virus

The drastic measures (quarantine, border lock, curfew, etc.) introduced worldwide due to the coronavirus epidemic have put the manufacturing sector in the affected countries in a difficult situation. Several plants...

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MTÜ: promote job retention through government action

The domestic tourism industry can only recover after the epidemic has subsided, if tourism businesses are not wound up and jobs won’t be lost, a measure announced by the government...

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There is enough food for the country

Sufficient domestic food is available in Hungary, so Hungarian supply is safe even during the coronavirus epidemic” – Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture told MTI. The leader of the ministry...

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Rapid tax policy measures are needed against mass layoffs

The economic impact of the coronavirus epidemic is not yet measurable, but it is already clear that a major downturn is expected in all industries. The primary reaction of the...

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Cofidis is steadily increasing the number of people seeking personal loans

The number of people applying for a personal loan is constantly increasing: in the last year, 10 percent of the Hungarian adult population (18-65 years) took out personal loans and...

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It is much harder to save in the countryside than in Budapest

In Budapest, 29 percent of respondents said they could not regularly set aside their income, while in rural Hungarian cities this ratio is 31 percent and in small settlements 43...

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KSH: prices rose by 4.4 percent in February

In February, consumer prices were up 4.4 percent on average, compred to the year before. Compared to January, consumer prices increased by 0.3 percent – the Central Statistical Office (KSH)...

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KSH: transport sector showed a modest growth in 2019

The volume of goods transported rose by 2.1 percent to 312 million tons last year, the transportation sector’s performance was 1.5 percent higher than a year before and 58.6 billion...

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KSH: retail sales increased by 7.6 percent in January

Retail sales grew by 7.6 percent in January, according to both raw and calendar-free data, compared to a year before – the Central Statistical Office announced on Wednesday. Growth has...

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MLBKT: PMI indicates minimal growth

The seasonally adjusted February Purchasing Manager Index (PMI) was 50.1 points, down from 52.2 in January and the fourth lowest since February 1995 – the Hungarian Logistics, Purchasing and Inventory...

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KSH: investments increased by 5.9 percent in the fourth quarter of 2019

Investments increased by 5.9 percent in the fourth quarter of 2019, compared to the same period of 2018, with the fastest record growth of 14 percent, the Central Statistical Office...

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