Tag "Magosz"

New vice president and department head at NAK

The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy elected two new officials at its last national delegate meeting. NAK’s new national vice-president responsible for environmental sustainability and innovation Viktor Balázs, the new...

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The permanent water shortage period was announced at the initiative of NAK and MAGOSZ

Following the initiative of the National Chamber of Agriculture and the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Associations and Farmers’ Cooperatives, the Minister of the Interior announced a permanent water shortage period...

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The first results of the European farmers’ demonstrations were born

As a result of the cooperation of farmers at the European level, the European Commission has reconsidered the provisions of the Common Agricultural Policy in some areas. Thanks to the...

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Together for the unity of our nation – This year’s Hungarians’ Bread Program started with the Feast of Wheat Dedication

The Magyarok Kenyere – 15 million grains of wheat program opened its 2024 fundraising with the Carpathian Basin Wheat Consecration Ceremony, with the participation of nearly 400 farmers in the...

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NAK and MAGOSZ initiated the announcement of the permanent water shortage period

Based on the extremely poor weather of the past period and the feedback from farmers, the National Chamber of Agriculture and the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Associations and Farmers’ Cooperatives...

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István Jakab: Hungary has the right to protect the health of the Hungarian people

Hungary has the right to protect the health of the Hungarian people – stressed István Jakab, the president of the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Associations and Farmers’ Cooperatives (Magosz) on...

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István Nagy: change is also needed in Brussels for the sake of farmers

Change must also be achieved in the interest of farming society during the June EP elections, because Brussels’ agricultural policy threatens the future of European producers and the food security...

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Balázs Győrffy: the V4 agricultural organizations are holding a joint farmer demonstration

The agrarian chambers of the Visegrad countries are organizing a joint demonstration together with the representatives of Latvia and Lithuania on February 22, drawing the public’s attention to the fact...

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There is no future without farmers! Producers demonstrating in Záhony demanded the introduction of an immediate import ban on Ukrainian goods from Brussels

Organized by the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Unions and Farmers’ Cooperatives (MAGOSZ) and the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK), domestic producers held a farmers’ demonstration at the border crossing in...

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NAK-MAGOSZ: We will use all means against Brussels’ new destructive measures

MAGOSZ and NAK strongly reject the measure proposed by the European Commission the other day, with which they would extend the completely free import of Ukrainian foodstuffs for another year. The...

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MAGOSZ and NAK negotiated with the largest Italian agricultural interest representation

The leadership of Coldiretti, the largest Italian agricultural interest representation, was received by István Jakab, president of MAGOSZ, and Balázs Győrffy, president of the National Chamber of Agriculture. According to Ettore...

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István Nagy: agricultural subsidies are also guaranteed in 2024

Agricultural subsidies are also guaranteed for 2024, the budget will add HUF 650 billion to the rural development resources, said the Minister of Agriculture at his annual press conference in...

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Last year’s legislative proposals of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy were successful

Legislation did not rest in the past year, the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) also took an active part in the development and amendment of legislation affecting agriculture and...

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Magosz and the Hungarian Development Support Office concluded a cooperation agreement

On Monday, the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Associations and Farmers’ Cooperatives (Magosz) and the Hungarian Development Promotion Office (MFOI) signed a cooperation agreement in order to increase the competitiveness of...

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Three people received NAK’s Károlyi award

Szabolcs Fazekas, Tibor Kozma and Imre Rácz received the recognition established by the chamber. NAK’s national delegate meeting was hosted by the Specialized Museum of Agricultural Equipment and Machine Development...

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The Agricultural Ecology Program is popular

Farmers with nearly 488,000 hectares of grassland applied to the framework of the new Agricultural Ecology Program in this year’s inaugural year. Next year, in order to facilitate an even wider...

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Zsolt Feldman: 125,000 farmers have already received advances this year

By the end of November, 125,000 farmers had received an advance of about HUF 168 billion in the European Union’s agricultural support system, which has changed for this year compared...

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The autumn harvest in Békés county has ended

The autumn harvest in Békés county has ended. Farmers are unhappy because of the low purchase prices and the damage caused by overgrown pucks.   The harvesting of sunflowers and...

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If we help each other, success will not be left behind!

For more than a decade, thousands of Hungarian farmers from here and across the border have been helping needy families year after year as part of the Bread of Magyars...

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The Hungarian Bread Program awarded young agricultural professionals

Twelve young agricultural professionals from Transylvania, Subcarpathia and the mainland received support for their studies and farming as part of the Hungarian bread for the future scholarship program, thanks to...

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AM Deputy State Secretary: innovation is also key in the food industry

The role of innovation in the food industry is also becoming more and more important, encouraging it will be an important task in the next period, Hungarian manufacturers can apply...

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Hungarian agricultural professional organizations are asking the EU to limit grain imports from Ukraine again

At the farmers’ demonstration in Záhony organized by the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Unions and Farmers’ Cooperatives (Magosz) and the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK), it was announced that Magosz...

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The president of Magosz is concerned and urges a solution due to the lifting of the ban on the import of Ukrainian grain

István Jakab, the president of the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Associations and Farmers’ Cooperatives (Magosz), urged a solution for the benefit of Hungarian farmers for the period following the end...

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Hungarian farmers demand decisive action from Brussels! Extend the ban on the import of Ukrainian grain by the EU!

Organized by the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Unions and Farmers’ Cooperatives (MAGOSZ) and the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK), a farmers’ demonstration was held at the Záhony border crossing...

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Hungarian agriculture must respond to changing external conditions

Farmers must respond to rapid and drastic changes in the economic environment, weather conditions and consumer habits, and the Hungarian government will help this process in the future – promised...

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Grain producers have to find buyers for their crops themselves

In the past 5-7 years, there was a demand market for grain, now there is a supply market, the producers have to find buyers for their crops themselves – said...

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Donations are ongoing for the Bread of Hungarians – 15 million wheat grains program on the occasion of the Carpathian Basin Wheat Merger

Hungarians have an unbroken sense of belonging – the Minister of Agriculture emphasized on Saturday in Szolnok, at the bread of the Hungarians – 15 million grains of wheat program...

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Bread of Magyars – The wheat collected by the Hungarian farmers of Transcarpathia was merged in Nagydobrony

Almost 160 tons of wheat collected by Hungarian farmers in Transcarpathia in the Magyarok Kenyere-15 million grains of wheat program were merged on Saturday in Nagydobrony, Ungvár district. István Jakab,...

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The country’s bread is guaranteed

The country’s bread is secured, the bread grain is already in the granaries, and this is the most important and reassuring sentence for an agriculture minister – declared István Nagy...

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The Öko Expo will be held again in Hajdúnánás

The Öko Expo will be held for the fourth time in the Kendereskert in Hajdúnánás, the event will be held on September 8-9 this year – the organizers announced at...

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