Tag "madárinfluenza"

Bird Flu: A multi-stage compensation may come

The Poultry Product Council (BTT) estimates the damage arising from the outbreak of bird flu to 9-10 billion HUF – the organization told Világgazdaság. The direct losses of farmers resulting...

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Poultry Product Council: duck and goose meat lack can come to an end only gradually

The lack of duck and goose meat can come to an end only gradually after the end of the bird flu outbreak – the CEO of the Poultry Product Council...

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The price of eggs may increase because of the avian influenza

The domestic producers raise the price of eggs because of the bird flu since supply is becoming tighter in the market. Végh László, President of the Hungarian Laying Hen Hybrid...

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Bird flu: state compensation on the basis of market value

After the disease control measures imposed in connection with the bird flu, the breeders can request for state compensation on the basis of market value of the livestock. The first...

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NÉBIH: a growing number of European countries are affected by the epidemic

The European bird flu pandemic is affecting a growing number of countries: in recent days after Austria, Germany, Croatia, Denmark, the Netherlands, the presence of the disease was detected in...

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The chief veterinarian ordered the confinement housing of poultry in three counties

The national chief veterinary ordered the confinement housing of poultry in Békés, Bács-Kiskun and Csongrád counties – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told MTI on Tuesday. The regulations aim to...

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NÉBIH: each farmer will be given compensation, because of the bird flu

It is mandatory to slaughter the bird flu-infected livestock, but state compensation will be given to all affected farmers; the sum is the market value of the animals – the...

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Eight countries have introduced ban on imports of Hungarian poultry yet

Because of the bird flu virus, Taiwan also restricts the entry of the Hungarian poultry and poultry products into the country, so until now eight non-EU countries have introduced ban...

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Several countries have introduced import bans on poultry from Hungary

Due to the avian influenza virus detected in Békés county, several countries outside the European Union have banned the export of live poultry and poultry products from Békés county and...

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Japan bans Hungarian poultry

The Japanese Ministry of Agriculture forbade the importation of certain Hungarian poultry products on Saturday – index wrote. The ban on chickens, ducks, turkeys and other poultry products was brought...

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Bird flu was detected at a turkey farm in Békés county

The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) detected bird flu in a turkey farm near Tótkomlós in Békés county. The authority took the necessary measures – the Ministry of Agriculture...

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No more bird flu in Northern Italy

The Ministry of Health in Italy at the end of June withdrew the stict measures in the Emilia Romagna region. The first suspected case was in La Nuova Ferrara at...

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The bird flu is attacking again

The federal agriculture ministry registered bird-flu disease in the United States in Indiana – agrarszektor.hu wrote. They warn that only rapid response may prevent from larger outbreak. Since the spring...

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The elimination of the avian flu epidemic cost about 200 million HUF in Füzesgyarmat

More than 161 thousand ducks were killed in Füzesgyarmat, due to the detected avian influenza virus. The elimination of the epidemic cost about 200 million HUF – the Ministry of...

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More than a hundred thousand birds were killed due to bird flu in Füzesgyarmat

The elimination of more than a hundred thousand duck stock is completed at the poultry farm in Füzesgyarmat, where the bird flu virus turned up last week. The detected H5N8...

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More than two million poultry were slaughtered because of bird flu in Taiwan

So far more than two million poultry had to be cut down, due to the spreading bird flu epidemic on the island of Taiwan. According to the latest nerws a...

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