Tag "külkereskedelem"

The national trading house promotes innovation with Hungarian startups in Paris

The national trading house promotes the innovation and business environment of the Visegrád four (V4) countries and in particular, Hungary’s innovation and business environment and the potential of the region...

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Poultry can be exported from seven counties from Saturday to Russia

From Saturday the Russian federal animal health and plant protection service (Roszszelhoznadzor) has re-licensed the imports of live poultry and egg from seven Hungarian counties, the Kommersant daily reported. The...

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Export value declined in April

In April, exports in euro were 1.6 percent lower, while imports were 0.4 percent lower than in the same period of last year, after the 19.0 and 21.3 percent increase...

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Foreign trade balance: food exports reached outstanding results

In March, exports in euros were 19.0 percent higher, while imports were 21.3 percent higher than in the previous year, according to the second estimate of the Central Statistical Office...

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Hungarian agricultural exports over eight billion euros

Hungarian exports of agricultural products were over eight billion euros last year, while the foreign trade balance closed with 3 billion euros positive, despite the avian influenza has had a...

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Jordanian soldiers love Hungarian cheese

Over the last few years, in 2013, in 2015 and in 2016, the Hungarian Kőröstej won the international tender of the Jordanian Army. As a result, in the past year...

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Iran and Hungary negotiated on the expansion of agricultural trade relations

Iran and Hungary agreed on the expansion of agricultural trade relations and the possible common forms of research and development. Hungary offers a good opportunity for agricultural exports to the...

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FM: The Philippine market was opened for three Hungarian meat factories

The Philippine market was opened for three Hungarian meat factories. Emmanuel Pinol, Minister of Agriculture of the Philippines handed the certificate of their individual accreditation over to Fazekas Sándor Minister...

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Expanding export opportunities in Europe for Hungarian companies

The new representation of the Central European Trade Development Network of the Hungarian National Chamber of Commerce (MNKH) was opened on Tuesday in Kismarton (Eisenstadt), Austria. The network is operating...

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A showroom in Shanghai was opened for a premier category Hungarian mineral water

The Primus Mineral Water (Primus Ásványvíz) significantly strengthens its export market position after the company opened a premium-class showroom in China’s economic center in Shanghai. The Hungarian National Chamber of...

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The euro zone trade surplus has reached a record

The euro zone trade surplus reached a record in March, according to the first estimate of the European Union’s statistical office. Eurostat’s report was published on Tuesday. In the third...

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Hungarian products to conquer Novi Sad

On 13 May, Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture opened the Hungarian pavilion at the 84th Novi Sad International Agricultural Fair. At the 7-day event, the Agrármarketing Centrum (Agricultural Marketing Center)...

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The Exim Bank and Insurer launches a new program to support the export-oriented SMEs

By 2021, the Exim Bank and Insurer with its financial products would like to reach more than 50 percent of the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. In order to reach...

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China is building a new silk road

China is building a new silk road in a value of nearly 500 billion USD containing mainly infrastructural developments. The new silk road would reach 65 countries, nearly two-thirds of...

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Foreign trade surplus may remain significant in the future

The foreign trade surplus may remain significant in the future, according to MTI’s macroeconomic analysts, who are expecting a further growth in exports in the coming months. According to preliminary...

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Trading House: The Hungarian companies are competitive in the Iraqi market

In just a year, the value of total Hungarian exports to Iraq increased by 30 percent, which demonstrates that the Hungarian companies are open and competitive in the Iraqi market...

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KSH: the foreign trade surplus in the first quarter is close to 2.5 billion euros

In the first quarter, exports in euros increased by 12.6 percent, and imports in euros by 14.6 percent compared to the previous year. The foreign trade surplus decreased by 72...

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The Agricultural Marketing Center showcases the Hungarian products in Hong Kong

The Agricultural Marketing Center (AMC) presents the Hungarian products at the Hofex professional exhibition in Hong Kong. The AMC reported that in the 54 square meter Hungarian exhibition area, in...

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MNKH: the cross-border export academy continues this year

The Hungarian National Trading House’s (MNKH) cross-border training program series – that aim to provide professional training for the Hungarian entrepreneurs accross the border – has arrived to a new...

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KSH: exports increased by 5.5 and imports increased by 7.5 percent in February

In February, the value of exports in euro increased by 5.5 and imports increased by 7.5 percent, compared to the previous year. The surplus of exports fell by 86 million...

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Hungary can transport beef and meat products to Saudi Arabia again

After sixteen years Hungary can transport beef and meat products to Saudi Arabia. The Middle Eastern country opened its doors in late March for the Hungarian products – the Ministry...

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Export Academy for the tenth time

The Hungarian National Trading House (MNKH) launches its complex export development training, the MNKH Export Academy for the tenth time between 12 and 27 April. The training program of the...

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Analysts: export growth may continue, but this year’s surplus may be smaller

In the next few months export growth may continue, but this year’s foreign trade surplus may be smaller than last year’s 9.935 billion euros surplus. The further strengthening in household...

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KSH: February’s imports grew faster than exports

In February the value of export in euros increased by 5.4, while the value of import in euros increased by 7.1 percent, compared to the previous year. The trade surplus...

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KSH: the growth of foreign trade turnover accelerated in January

In January this year, the value of exports in euros increased by 14.0 percent, while value of import increased by 15.2 percent after December’s 7.6 and 9.3 percent. The trade...

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One-third of the EU’s trade was concluded with the USA and China in 2016

The European Union concluded one-third of its trade with the USA and China in 2016. Hungary’s largest trade partner remains Germany – Eurostat reveals in its report published on Wednesday....

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Hungarian meat exports to be launched to the Philippines

After lengthy negotiations, three Hungarian companies received authorization to begin the export of Hungarian meat to the Philippines – Szijjártó Péter Foreign Economic Relations and Foreign Minister announced on Tuesday...

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Economic cooperation can expand in many sectors between Hungary and Vietnam

About 100 domestic and Vietnamese companies carried out bilateral business talks within the Hungarian-Vietnamese Business Forum, organized by the Hungarian National Trading House on 23 March in Budapest. The event...

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The Hungarian startup is exporting brewing equipments to the US market

The company manufacturing Brewie automatic home brewing equipments will begin the delivery of pre-orders to the US market this week. The value of the first shipment of 250 machines, worth...

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Germans like Hungarian wines

Germans like Hungarian wines. Germany is a major outlet for the Hungarian wine producers – according to Czerván György Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM). The Ministry...

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