Tag "kkv"

K&H: medium-sized companies are catching up

Hungarian companies are paying more attention to sustainability than ever before and are increasingly feeling involved, according to the research behind the K&H sustainability index. Large companies are by far...

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This causes the biggest headache for Hungarian SMEs wishing to enter the export market

In regional terms, domestic small and medium-sized enterprises perform on average on export markets, but overall, only slightly more than 5 percent of them still sell their products or services...

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K&H: It turned out what businesses are most afraid of

Inflation is still the biggest difficulty for SMEs, but labor shortages have also become a determining factor again. Next year, however, it is not this, but the lack of demand...

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A third of SMEs use artificial intelligence in their marketing

At the beginning of the year, when artificial intelligence (AI) became widely available to small and medium-sized businesses, no one expected that the new technology would spread so quickly. According...

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K&H: The number of companies going out of business has increased, the spirit of entrepreneurship has declined

By September, the number of newly registered sole proprietors and joint ventures decreased by more than a tenth compared to the same period last year, while the number of closing...

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Security has never been more important to MSPs

The recent ransomware attack on Royal Mail, which temporarily halted international exports, is just the latest example of the chaos that can happen to a major business when it falls...

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The confidence of SMEs has been shaken

The mood of companies has not been so negative for seven years: the K&H SME confidence index is currently at -11 points after a 6-point drop. The main reason for...

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Foreign exchange market prospects for 2024: What can Hungarian SMEs expect?

In its foreign exchange market outlook for 2024 published this week, global foreign exchange and international payment service provider iBanFirst provides an overview of the expected main trends for the...

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According to OPTEN, facilitating corporate transformation is a key issue

The BCSDH (Hungarian Business Council for Sustainable Development) presented the 2023 “Sustainable Future” awards. In connection with sustainability, we can increasingly come across the term ESG, which is an abbreviation...

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An upcoming legislative change may bring a new profession

Today, sustainability and social responsibility are highly important topics in the corporate world. Business strategies based on an ESG perspective must not only meet social expectations, but also the upcoming...

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This is how companies see the development of their financial results

The domestic SME sector is planning slightly higher sales and profit growth compared to the beginning of the year, but expectations are still far below inflation: an average increase of...

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János Lázár: family businesses can be the engine of the Hungarian economy

The engine of the Hungarian economy can be those family businesses with growth potential, the Minister of Construction and Transport declared on Thursday in Szeged. János Lázár added at the...

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Kkv-k és digitalizáció: sok múlik a cégvezetőkön

A Digiméter 2023 áprilisában és májusában végzett kvalitatív, mélyinterjús kutatássorozata a hazai kis- és középvállalkozások digitalizációját vizsgálta. A megkérdezett interjúalanyok szerint a digitalizáció kulcsa a cégvezető, aki a céges folyamatokat digitalizálja...

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Fewer customers is an increasingly pressing problem for SMEs

The lack of demand is causing more and more difficulties, endangering the operation of a quarter of the companies, according to the results of the second quarter of the K&H...

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Generali EnterPrize tender: family organic farms, manufacturing and system integrator companies, and research and development companies among the winners

Small and medium-sized enterprises play a significant economic role both at the domestic and European Union level; they form the solid foundation of the economy of the developed world. Supporting...

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K&H: there will not be an innovation boom in family companies now

The current economic situation is not favorable to the innovation efforts of family companies, their innovation index has decreased by 2 points and currently stands at 27 points, according to...

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Actors in the fish farming sector can apply for several billion forints

With great interest, a professional day was held in Kecskemét for the actors of the fish farming industry, at which both interest organizations and farmers were represented. György Zsolt Papp, Deputy...

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According to KPMG, family companies that are also open to the outside are more successful

Involvement of experts, diversification, digitalization, sustainability, future orientation – these are the main success criteria for family-owned small and medium-sized enterprises, according to recent research by KPMG. With a sustainable...

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K&H: SMEs are uncertain, they don’t know when the situation will get better

There is a lot of uncertainty among domestic enterprises: this is indicated by the fact that the K&H SME confidence index has barely changed compared to the beginning of the...

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Election of officials at the SEED Foundation

The SEED Small Business Development Foundation held a Founder’s meeting on June 20, 2023, where the Officers were partially re-elected and a new Supervisory Board was elected. The representatives of...

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Digimeter research series: digitization is not about technology, but about the organization

Corporate digitization is only apparently about technology, in fact it is the ability to apply technology, which primarily depends on the company manager, organizational culture and well-defined processes. The goal...

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DigitalTech EDIH was launched to support the digital transition of SMEs

In Hungary, the newly launched DigitalTech EDIH provides free support to hundreds of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in solving their challenges related to cyber security, blockchain technology, fintech solutions,...

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Research: SMEs need more incentives to improve sustainability

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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The optimism of family companies is returning

The mood of domestic family companies improved further, the K&H family companies index stands at -3 points. The companies expect a higher increase in sales revenue and a smaller decrease...

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K&H: Those who work for an SME do not have to worry about their job

According to the K&H survey among SMEs, employment in the entrepreneurial sector is stable: nearly 80 percent of them plan to have the same number of employees for the next...

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Safety of supply is the biggest priority

Promising results This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/6-7. Dr Beáta Felkai, deputy state secretary of food chain supervision at the Ministry of Agriculture gave an interview...

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Sándor Czomba: the government supports the strengthening of the SME sector

The government supports and intends to help the domestic SME sector strengthen and improve its international competitiveness with all possible means, said the State Secretary responsible for employment policy of...

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K&H: There is a big gap between inflation and the financial expectations of SMEs

After the slight improvement in the previous quarter, businesses are again expecting a smaller increase in sales and profits: an average increase of 8 percent in revenue and 3.3 percent...

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Small and medium-sized enterprises in Budapest and the central Hungarian region can also access direct EU funds

Until 2027, the European Union allocated a total of 377 billion euros for the so-called new priorities, within the framework of 24 professional programs. Projects that are exemplary for the...

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KPMG prepared its whistleblowing system compliant with the Complaints Act

It was accepted by the parliament, and the so-called Complaints Act has now been published in the Hungarian Gazette. Act XXV of 2023 on complaints, reports of public interest, and...

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