Tag "kkv bizalmi index"

This is how your business uses mobile banking

The life and operation of businesses is largely determined by the degree to which they digitize their processes. Finance is at the forefront in this field, since in addition to...

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K&H: SMEs are uncertain, they don’t know when the situation will get better

There is a lot of uncertainty among domestic enterprises: this is indicated by the fact that the K&H SME confidence index has barely changed compared to the beginning of the...

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K&H: Every fifth SME would share their business premises to cut costs

The economic events of the past 3 years have not spared the entrepreneurial sector. Trade and industry are in a particularly difficult situation, which has resulted in many shop closures...

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K&H: SMEs are doing better now

The K&H SME confidence index continued to strengthen and may slowly reach the positive range, which after a 3-point increase in the first quarter is currently at -4 points. The...

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K&H: The SME sector is not expected to be too good

After the downward trend so far, the confidence of the SME sector has now been shaken even more: the K&H SME confidence index, starting from the positive range never seen...

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A never-before-seen wage increase is possible for SMEs

In line with the increase in inflation, SMEs are preparing for an unprecedented wage increase of 11 percent, according to the second quarter results of the K&H SME Confidence Index...

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K&H: SMEs do not seem to be in doubt over Ukraine-Russia conflict

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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K&H: most SMEs no longer expects a serious pandemic

For the rest of the year, 76 percent of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises expect a milder pandemic situation than in the spring, and a third do not expect a...

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The consequences of the coronavirus for SMEs are redundancies and cuts in investment

Barely three weeks after the official appearance of the coronavirus in Hungary, Hungarian SMEs are becoming more and more gloomy about the prospects for their business this year, according to...

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K&H: SMEs expect greater profit growth

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as in the previous quarter’s survey, expect a 5.5 percent increase in sales. The SMEs expect a profit growth of 3.6 percent in the following...

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Businesses are optimistic in 2017

The expectations of the companies are on historic peak. After the tax and contribution reduction plan the K&H SME confidence index reached its highest result of the past 12 years....

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A kormányzat minimálbér emelési szándékát megelőzően készült kutatás

szerint nőtt a fizetésemelésben gondolkodó cégek aránya. „Jelenleg a cégek 41%-a készül fizetésemelésre, terveik szerint átlagosan 4,2%-kal magasabb bért fognak utalni munkavállalóiknak a következő egy év során. The proportion of...

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K&H: the ratio of SMEs planning to give fringe benefits has decreased

Almost two-thirds of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) do not plan to give fringe benefits to support their employees in the next year. After a temporary improvement at the beginning...

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The competitive position of SMEs has improved

The quarter of businesses believe that they surpass their competition within a year – according to the recent research of the K&H SME confidence index. However, in the World Economic...

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SMEs have not expected such a profit for a long time

The domestic SME sales and profit expectations grew with a huge pace, has not seen for a long time. A price income of 5.7 percent and a revenue growth of...

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