Tag "KITE Zrt"

Chamber of Agriculture: they are looking for innovative solutions to the challenges of agriculture

Young developers, startups and researchers are looking for solutions to the challenges of agriculture and the food industry within the framework of the TechLab agricultural startup program of the National...

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Protecting the soil is equally important for everyone

The soil is one of our natural resources that we have to manage in a sustainable way, and it is necessary to pay more and more attention to its protection. To...

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KITE Zrt.: Hungarian farmers are buying better machines

Hungarian farmers are buying bigger and more knowledgeable agricultural machines – Zahorán Zalán, Deputy Chief Technical Officer of KITE Zrt. told Agrárszektor. The expert added that this trend is justified...

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The KITE Zrt. reached 240 billion HUF turnover last year

The Nádudvar-based KITE Zrt. increased its turnover by five percent to 240 billion HUF in 2015 – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The company thus continues to lead the domestic agricultural integrator market....

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Agricultural machinery purchases broke a record

According to the Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM), agricultural machinery purchases may break a record in Hungary. While the international trend shows a decrease of...

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