Tag "K&H"

K&H: tax-free saving has become more popular

The social contribution tax (socho), which was introduced in July, reduces the yield of many savings, so the long-term investment account (tbsz) is an even more attractive solution than before,...

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K&H: a good third of young Hungarians are satisfied with their lives

The index reflecting the mood of Hungarian youth has now dropped from 20 points measured at the beginning of the decade to 11 points, although there has been little change...

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The confidence of SMEs has been shaken

The mood of companies has not been so negative for seven years: the K&H SME confidence index is currently at -11 points after a 6-point drop. The main reason for...

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Együttműködik a WWF Magyarország és a K&H

Az emberi tevékenység következtében napjainkra a szárazföldi és édesvízi természetes élőhelyek közel 80%-a átalakult vagy eltűnt, ez pedig a biológiai sokszínűség csökkenésén is látszik. Az Európai Unió célul tűzte ki, hogy...

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This is how companies see the development of their financial results

The domestic SME sector is planning slightly higher sales and profit growth compared to the beginning of the year, but expectations are still far below inflation: an average increase of...

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K&H: CSR has become a magic word

There is no sector of the Hungarian economy in which the K&H sustainability index did not show a worse result than a year earlier. “The first half of 2023 will...

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Energy modernisation is the most urgent in retail trade

Businesses are taking steps against high energy costs: 6 out of 10 companies did something in the summer to reduce their energy bills, according to a K&H study. First and...

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Smart device payments are booming, with more than 5,500 transactions per hour

Payments with smart devices continue to show very vigorous growth at K&H. In the first eight months of this year, the financial institution’s customers processed an average of more than...

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Sustainability is not yet a central issue for family companies

Companies with a minimum of 250 employees have two years to incorporate ESG aspects into their business processes. According to the sustainability index of K&H family companies, this is currently...

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Megállíthatja az élelmiszerboltok forgalmának csökkenését a SZÉP-kártyás vásárlás

A SZÉP-kártya-felhasználók, az élelmiszerüzletek, de még a munkáltatók számára is kedvező változást jelenthet, hogy augusztustól ismét lehetővé válik a hidegélelmiszer-vásárlás és az éves kedvezményes keret is emelkedik. Tavaly ugyanis a február–június...

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K&H: the young people who save are back

The proportion of young people with savings increased significantly in one quarter: according to the K&H youth index, 49 percent of them had reserves in the first quarter, and 56...

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K&H: the commercial real estate industry in a pioneering role

In the field of real estate financing, K&H enforces its energy efficiency requirements more and more decisively, because this is how it can fulfill its climate protection commitments. Suba Levente,...

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K&H: cashless payment keeps booming

Smart device payments continue to grow rapidly, according to K&H. In the first five months of the year, there were more than 18 million transactions, 75% more than a year...

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WWF Hungary and K&H cooperate

Today, 75 percent of natural habitats on land have been transformed as a result of human activity, more than 85 percent of freshwater habitats have disappeared, and this alarming balance...

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K&H: This is how we can curb overconsumption

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Magyar Termék védjegyes termék is bekerült az idei Hungaricool győztesei közé

A globális kereskedelembe való betagozódás közel sem zökkenőmentes a kisebb gyártóknak. A 2023-as SPAR és a K&H közös szervezésében létrejött Hungaricool termékverseny egyik győztes vállalkozása a Magyar Termék védjegy használat mellett...

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K&H’s own TikTok channel is launched, focusing on mobile banking

K&H’s official TikTok channel was one of the first banks to launch in mid-August, which will initially feature videos showing the functions available in the mobile bank. In line with...

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K&H: “everyday” costs HUF 60,000 more per month

There is still hardly anyone who does not spend more on living than a year earlier, according to the second-quarter K&H secure future survey, which examined changes in the expenses...

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Fewer customers is an increasingly pressing problem for SMEs

The lack of demand is causing more and more difficulties, endangering the operation of a quarter of the companies, according to the results of the second quarter of the K&H...

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K&H: it is better to pay with a card instead of cash even on vacation

K&H offers a solution for the troublesome foreign cash exchange. The financial institution refunds the conversion cost of card purchases to those who pay abroad from August to the end...

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K&H: faint optimism on the inflation stage

The number of middle-aged people who have not experienced a significant increase in the price of food is negligible – it is clear from the second quarter of K&H’s secure...

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K&H: there will not be an innovation boom in family companies now

The current economic situation is not favorable to the innovation efforts of family companies, their innovation index has decreased by 2 points and currently stands at 27 points, according to...

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K&H: the travel plans were upset by the lack of money

Travel options for Hungarians will be limited this year. The majority of the members of the 30-59 age group – 68 percent – do not plan a longer trip this...

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K&H: many young people are unsure

In one quarter, the value of the K&H youth index clearly decreased from 14 points to 11 points, the financial institution announced. The second wave of the survey showed that,...

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K&H: SMEs are uncertain, they don’t know when the situation will get better

There is a lot of uncertainty among domestic enterprises: this is indicated by the fact that the K&H SME confidence index has barely changed compared to the beginning of the...

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More optimistic firms

Gábor Rajna, the head of K&H’s business banking division told our magazine: companies had to face many difficulties in the previous years, but their optimism is definitely growing now. This...

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K&H: another boom in cashless payments

Payments with smart devices are still on the rise. In the first five months of the year, more than 18 million transactions took place, 75 percent more than a year...

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K&H: After the ups and downs of the past 2 years, optimism can now come

The K&H large company growth index moved up again, increasing from minus 6 points to 0 points. The indicator thus crossed the border of the negative range after 4 quarters....

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K&H: only a third of young people in their twenties feel that they are valued at work

Working young people who feel that their work is valued are still in the minority, according to the K&H youth index, which examined the situation of employed members of the...

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The optimism of family companies is returning

The mood of domestic family companies improved further, the K&H family companies index stands at -3 points. The companies expect a higher increase in sales revenue and a smaller decrease...

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