Tag "K&H"

K&H: how long are your savings enough for?

Just over half of young people in their twenties have savings, but many of them only have enough reserves for a short time, according to the K&H youth index. According...

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K&H: how much money can be collected from pocket money in ten years

With careful planning, we can make money our tool, instead of letting it rule over us. K&H Be careful, ready, money! in the first round of the financial competition, savings...

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K&H: middle-aged Hungarians are less afraid of inflation

For the time being, Hungarians do not expect a significant decrease in inflation, but the situation has improved to the extent that, compared to 87 percent at the beginning of...

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K&H: large domestic companies fear recession

As the year draws to a close, firms are clearly losing momentum. K&H’s large company growth index measures the expectations of Hungarian firms with annual sales above HUF 2bn for...

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Paying taxes and contributions is changing, pay attention to that!

Due to the change in the minimum wage at the end of 2023, companies and non-taxable individual entrepreneurs will have to pay higher taxes and contributions by December, K&H points...

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At the end of 2023, SZÉP card traffic was record-breaking

By the end of 2023, the K&H SZÉP card had broken all previous monthly records in terms of traffic. In addition to the plastic card, the digital version has also...

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Few companies use green energy

More and more domestic companies see the importance of environmental sustainability and are planning investments, but for the time being they have held back their implementation because they have neither...

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This is how family companies enter 2024

After a significant improvement in the previous quarter, the mood of domestic family companies moderated by the end of the year, the K&H family companies index stands at 0 points....

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K&H: Successors digitize family companies

A wave of digital development may come for domestic family companies. More than half of them are already dealing with this at a strategic level, and every fifth company owes...

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Inflation will remain in 2024 as well

This year was determined by inflation, which remains on the table. The disinflation process may continue at the beginning of next year, but the pick-up in household consumption will bring...

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K&H: how much pocket money do young people receive?

On average, young people between the ages of 14 and 18 receive HUF 22,000 in pocket money per month from their parents, according to a survey of the financial situation...

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K&H: cash is not cool

Young people basically stick to their Christmas customs, also from the point of view that they still buy the majority of gifts in person, in a traditional store, but there...

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K&H: Can the optimism of SMEs return in 2024?

After falling a year ago, the K&H SME confidence index, which indicates the expectations of businesses for the next year, stabilized this year. Behind the rise of the indicator, which...

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SPAR makes it easier to use SZÉP cards at the end of the day

Until December 31, it will be easier and faster to use the SZÉP card in some stores, as SPAR has also joined the initiative. We can enjoy this advantage at...

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K&H: Even livestock farmers can learn about their greenhouse gas emissions

Animal husbandry is responsible for nearly one-seventh of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, mainly from gases from digestion, manure treatment, forage production and energy consumption. One of the bases for...

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Electronic payment solutions are spreading among 14-18 year olds

Electronic payment solutions are gaining more and more space among young people who use banks, while cash is still very popular – according to K&H’s research into the financial habits...

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K&H: the record series continues, 64 percent paid more than once with a smart device

In October, K&H made nearly 5 million payments with their smart devices, which is one and a half times more than a year earlier and represents a new monthly record....

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K&H: aratnak az okoseszközös fizetések

Továbbra is nagyon lendületes növekedést mutatnak az okoseszközös fizetések a K&H-nál. Az idei év első 8 hónapjában óránként átlagosan több mint 5500 okoseszközös fizetést bonyolítottak a pénzintézet ügyfelei, ami 67%-os emelkedésnek...

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Frequent colds can even be a sign of burnout

In the rush at the end of the year, it can easily escape our attention if colleagues show symptoms of burnout. Losing the motivation of the workforce can pose a...

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Emotions are the biggest obstacles to a successful generational change

Generational change is already taking place in more than half of domestic family companies. The biggest challenge during the process is that it is difficult for the senior manager to...

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K&H: artificial intelligences among themselves

K&H introduced Kate, the artificial intelligence-based digital financial assistant, to its mobile bank a year ago. Starting this September, Kate can also perform actions based on voice commands – the...

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K&H: agricultural companies’ desire to innovate has broken

Over the past year, agricultural companies have strongly scaled back their innovation developments, according to K&H’s innovation research, the summary of which was sent to MTI on Wednesday. More than...

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K&H: medium-sized companies are catching up

Hungarian companies are paying more attention to sustainability than ever before and are increasingly feeling involved, according to the research behind the K&H sustainability index. Large companies are by far...

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The innovation activity of Hungarian companies has moved from its lowest point

In the unfavorable economic situation, the innovation activity of Hungarian companies stagnates at an unchanged low level, according to the second half-year survey of K&H’s innovation index. The company managers...

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K&H: It turned out what businesses are most afraid of

Inflation is still the biggest difficulty for SMEs, but labor shortages have also become a determining factor again. Next year, however, it is not this, but the lack of demand...

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K&H: four thousand HUF pocket money is enough for less than three hamburgers

The products included in the children’s inflation basket – including cocoa snails, hamburgers and backpacks – cost a total of more than HUF 39,000 this October, which corresponds to an...

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K&H: recession fears among large companies

The K&H corporate growth index, which indicates companies’ expectations, remained unchanged at 0 points in the third quarter, but the macroeconomic outlook deteriorated considerably. In the short term, nearly half...

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K&H: This is how we encourage colleagues to use green solutions

The implementation of sustainable operations is almost a basic requirement for companies. However, it is not an easy task to get the employees to commit themselves to the ESG goals...

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K&H gives extras for using a bank card

Cash-saving payment solutions mean savings for everyone. Digital payment is not only convenient and fast, but also saves money. K&H will refund part of the money spent in a new...

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K&H: The number of companies going out of business has increased, the spirit of entrepreneurship has declined

By September, the number of newly registered sole proprietors and joint ventures decreased by more than a tenth compared to the same period last year, while the number of closing...

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