Tag "K&H Csoport"

K&H: an exemplary alliance in the field of artificial intelligence development

The research cooperation agreement signed today by the representatives of the University of Szeged and the K&H Group aims at a more thorough understanding of the functioning of natural human...

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For the second time, a well-known magazine awarded the innovation activity of the financial institution

For the second year in a row, in 2024, the K&H Group won the “Best Digital Bank in Hungary” award from the renowned British financial magazine Global Banking and Finance...

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Elindult a K&H agrár CO2-kalkulátor

Habár a klímaváltozás, a Közös Agrárpolitika elvárásai és a szigorúbb fogyasztói elvárások is a környezetet kímélő megoldások irányába tolják az agráriumot, csupán minden tizedik agrárcégnek van erre irányuló írott stratégiája,...

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A joint initiative of K&H and AKI: the agricultural CO2 calculator

On October 10, 2023, the K&H Group presented its gap-filling initiative created with the Institute of Agricultural Economics, the K&H agricultural CO2 calculator, which is available free of charge and...

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K&H Green Seeds – phacelia and fodder radish for a more sustainable agriculture

K&H wishes to contribute to biological diversity and the sustainability of crop farming with a new initiative: with every agricultural machinery lease contract signed, they give customers a 25kg bag...

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Climate change – would we really be powerless

Domestic medium and large companies are aware of the importance of sustainability requirements, but in the difficult economic situation they postpone taking action. Their motivation is primarily limited to cost...

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Balázs Németh: ‘What I know today won’t be enough tomorrow’

What will the bank of the future look like? Do customers like banking innovations? What is more important: impersonal digital solutions or being personal? These are just some of the...

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58 percent of young people have savings, according to a survey

This year, in the second quarter, 58 percent of 19- to 29-year-olds had savings, and only 20 percent said they wouldn’t save at all, the K&H Group said in a...

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Magazine: In the first line of CSR – CSR Hungary Awards 2019

For 12 years CSR Hungary has been rewarding the firms and organisations that take corporate social responsibility seriously. In 2019 22 winners were announced and at the award ceremony CSR...

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