Tag "kajszibarack"

We can expect a long apricot season

Apricot growers can expect an excellent harvest, double last year’s, and a long season this year, the Minister of Agriculture announced on his social media page. István Nagy emphasized that...

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Apricot growers expect a long season

This year, apricot harvesting began two weeks earlier than usual on the domestic plantations.Although there is no problem with the quality so far, the quantity was significantly affected by the...

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This year, a not abundant but satisfactory apricot harvest is expected in Hungary

Apricots were a fruit with a good export position in the past, before 2018 we exported 4-5 thousand tons annually. In recent years, however, due to the unpredictable harvest and...

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It seems that the apricot and peach plantations survived this year’s frost waves!

The flowering of the fruit trees that arrived extremely early this year brought a surprising turn of events for the Hungarian peach growers. By the second half of April, flowering...

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90 percent of the cherries have already been picked, the national average is more than last year

Among the fruits, cherry picking showed 90.7 percent readiness on July 16. The national average was 6.7 tons/hectare, 12.5 percent more than last year. The yield per hectare in the...

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A significant part of the apricot crop was taken away by the spring frost

Hungarian apricots will be a rare treasure this year, due to spring frosts, cooling during flowering, and large temperature fluctuations, only a quarter of the usual amount of produce can...

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An abundant harvest of apricots is expected this year

About 26,000 tons of apricots are expected from the 5,300-hectare production area this year, which is not a record, but a good amount compared to last year. The type and...

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More and more Hungarian farmers can stop growing apricots and peaches

Apricots and peaches may be the next big losers in climate change: since the harvest has been very poor in the last two years, if this trend continues this year...

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Domestic apricots and peaches yields will be better this year

Yields of most summer fruits are expected to be slightly better than in the last two years, and the good news is that after the shortages of 2020 and 2021...

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Climate change is a major threat to apricots

Apricots are very popular among Hungarians, as it would be difficult to find a household where a bottle of jam, canned food, compote or a bottle of peach brandy is...

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(HU) Alig termett idén kajszibarack

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NAK: a good apricot harvest is expected

Countrywide, apricot harvesting is under way. According to the survey of the National Agricultural Chamber (NAK), growers expect a good harvest this year after the very bad harvest of last...

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FruitVeB: a better than average apricot and medium peach harvest is expected

The Vice President of the FruitVeb Hungarian Vegetable and Fruit Interprofessional Organization and Product Council expects slightly more than the average 25,000 tons of apricot crop this year, while the...

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Europe-wide shortage of apricots

This year a shortage can occur of apricot throughout Europe – magyaridok.hu wrote. The Hungarian production is far below the usual level, but farmers in the most significant regions of...

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Agrarian Chamber: this year the apricot crop may not reach 10 thousand tons

Apricots are grown on about 5,000 hectares in Hungary, with 30,000 tons per year on average. This year, due to spring frosts, the volume of annual crops will significantly reduce,...

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Apricot production is expected to be poor

Apricot production is expected to be weak this year. Due to the frosts in March, less than half of the average 30,000 tonnes of crops will be harvested – was...

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Fruit classifier capacity to be expanded in Kisvejke

The fruit classifying capacity to be increased twofold with a 180 million HUF investment in Kisvejke, Tolna County, where the country’s largest apricot plants can be found. The local government...

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Very poor apricot crops are expected

It is possible that we can harvest the poorest apricot crop of the past 10 -15 years this year – Apáti Ferenc, Vice President of the FruitVeB Hungarian Vegetables and...

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FruitVeB: the spring frost hit apricot the most

The spring frost has been damaging the apricot to the greatest extent, and it is estimated that due to the significant sprout damages, only relatively weak yields of between 10...

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Apricot growers may close a successful season

The harvest of apricots is close to completion. Experts expect a good crop both in quantity and quality. The apricot-growing areas were not affected by the frosts at end of...

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Horticulture Subcommittee: Hungarian apricot production is in danger

The Hungarian apricot production is at risk in, because last year, several plantations significantly damaged. At the Gönci region the destruction rate of trees amounted to 30-40 percent, and this...

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Expanding Hungarian presence at the world's largest fruit and vegetable trade fair

In addition to the national stand for the first time this year a group compresses more than seventy-Hungarian apricot growers will debut with a stand at the Fruit Logistica in...

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