Tag "járvány"

After a difficult semester, the population expects the income situation to turn better from autumn

For the fifth week in a row, NMS Hungary has been continuously measuring the sentiment of the population of the panel member countries, including Hungary, about the pandemic situation and...

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Together for our fellows even in the most difficult times – this is how the Hungarian Red Cross helps in the crisis situation caused by the corona virus

The coronavirus has brought about radical changes in the lives of all people, companies and institutions. Charity foundations also had to react quickly to the situation. Those who have been...

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Republic Group’s new advertising podcast the RePort has been launched

Iinspiration, creativity, knowledge and knowledge sharing cannot be quarantined. That’s why Republic Group has just launched its new advertising podcast, RePort. Szabolcs Márton, creative director of the Republic Group, discussed...

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The domestic ornamental plant market has plummeted

According to preliminary estimates, the loss to the ornamental plant sector will amount to about 174 billion HUF, but two measures could alleviate the damage – Orlóci László, President of...

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The security segment may blacken on restart

Twenty-five to thirty thousand security guards have lost their jobs since the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic, which is 30-40 percent of the active stock. Experts now warn that the...

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How to avoid overtime under the Home Office

Working hours have increased since the beginning of the crisis. This means that in such a difficult period, we can easily take longer working hours from home. The situation can...

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Traffic was weak on shopping streets in Germany after easing restrictions

Consumers did not storm shopping streets in major German cities in the first week of the easing of restrictions, made due to the coronavirus epidemic. Traffic less than half of...

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A car safari park opens in Hungary

Due to the coronavirus, the Hungarian National Circus and the Richter Flórián Circus were left without revenue. They’re trying to help themselves with a car-related idea – origo wrote. The...

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Restaurants and hotels in Austria will open in May

Restaurants may open on 15 May and hotels, swimming pools and leisure facilities (zoos, tourist attractions) in Austria on 29 May – Elisabeth Köstinger, Minister for Tourism said at a...

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MTÜ bookings increased by 30 percent in one month

Compared to a month earlier, the rate of domestic bookings increased by 30 percent in April, Lengid László, Deputy CEO of the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) told M1 news channel...

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RetailZoom: New categories arise to top-10 rank since COVID-19

In our earlier articles we have showcased many different perspectives how the spreading of the virus and the subsequent quarantine period has changed the way consumers are doing their shopping...

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Most people are looking for self-service checkouts

Three out of four purchases are already made through self-service cash registers in some CBA stores, where, as part of an investment that has just been completed – as the...

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Price drop in the poultry market

Significant oversupply and falling prices have also developed in the European and Hungarian poultry markets. The sectoral professional organizations – with the agreement of the Hungarian Product Council – would...

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The price of live pigs has dropped significantly

The price of live pigs has dropped significantly in recent weeks due to the coronavirus epidemic – Horváth István, chairman of the Interprofessional Organization and Product Council for Slaughter Animals...

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The reorganization of the wine market has begun

The reorganization of the wine market in Hungary has started due to the coronavirus pandemic – Légli Ottó, President of the National Council of Mountain Communities (HNT) tokld Kossuth Radio...

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The world-famous cheese exporter Kőröstej has employed one hundred more workers since March

There is a Hungarian “miracle” during the pandemic. Kőröstej, a world-renowned cheese exporter from Jordan through Dubai to LOndon does not lay off workers; on the contrary, despite COVID-19, they...

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The Auchan promenade provides significant discounts to its tenants

During March 2020, the Hungarian government made a number of provisions to curb the coronavirus epidemic and protect the health of the population. These measures, including the restricted shop opening...

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Will the border remain open to seasonal agricultural workers?

The European Commission has issued a practical guide to facilitate the free movement of priority workers and frontier workers between Member States. The Commission is thus supporting governments to create...

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There are more and more hybrid letters

Demand for online mailing increased dramatically during the pandemic. With a hybrid letter-type item, the physical connection to the post oofice can be avoided, as the letter must be sent...

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The pandemic has totally transformed the way the world eats

There is no trend, exactly, other than this: People want comfort. They also want to eat their way to stronger immune systems. They’re stress baking, but they’re also eating healthier...

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Csehországban megnyíltak az üzletek

Csehországban folytatódik a közéletet és a gazdaságot korlátozó, márciusban bevezetett intézkedések fokozatos feloldása, amit a koronavírus-járvány terjedésének jelentős lelassulása tett lehetővé. Hétfőn kinyithattak a 2500 négyzetméternél kisebb alapterületű üzletek és...

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Jelentősen romlott a fogyasztói hangulat az Egyesült Államokban áprilisban

Soha nem látott mértékben romlott a fogyasztók hangulata az Egyesült Államokban áprilisban az új koronavírus-járvány hatására a Michigan egyetem szokásos havi felmérésének tanúsága szerint. A pénteken közölt előzetes adatok szerint...

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Zuhant az Adidas nyeresége

Az első negyedévben a járványvédelmi korlátozások következtében megcsappan kereslet miatt csökkent az adidas sportszer- és sportruházatgyártó konszern bevétele és jelentősen visszaesett a nyeresége a cég honlapján hétfőn publikált beszámoló alapján....

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GFK: Customer needs keep changing

Crises like COVID-19 create severe disruption across many fronts. But these overwhelming market fluctuations also include trend indicators that can help you master the crisis. By tracking sales and pricing...

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Hévíz expects a loss of revenue of one and a half billion forints

In connection with the coronavirus epidemic, the local government of Hévíz expects a loss of about one and a half billion forints in the period until the end of the...

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Coronavirus pandemic ‘will cause famine of biblical proportions’

he world is facing widespread famine “of biblical proportions” because of the coronavirus pandemic, the chief of the UN’s food relief agency has warned, with a short time to act...

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Huge trouble if following the pandemic… or perhaps not?

COVID-19 has overshadowed the climate crisis as governments scramble to protect the health of citizens without cratering their economies, but the pandemic could still open a fast-track pathway -– albeit...

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Wholesale shopping is radically transforming

The continuous spread of the coronavirus epidemic and the restrictions imposed in the name of protection have significantly reshaped everyday life, to which everyone is trying to adapt – hellovidek.hu...

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BKIK: commercial real estate rents have to be restructured during the crisis

The Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BKIK) has developed a 7-point package of proposals to address the real estate rental situation of businesses, asking the government to set rents...

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Hungarian ALDI marketed millions of Chinese masks

ALDI has marketed two million disposable masks in Hungary – Pénzcentrum wrote. The product came from China will be sold in 10-piece packages on store shelves and can be purchased...

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