Tag "influencer marketing"

RECnGO, together with the leading Chinese video hardware manufacturer, would conquer the global content producer market of 400 million people

RECnGO’s name is now known to almost everyone who is involved in the production of quality video materials, whether as a hobby or at a professional level: the Hungarian startup’s...

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(HU) Az influencerek által közzétett tartalmak kötelező jelöléseire figyelmeztet a GVH

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Magazine: ‘When you communicate, think about your brand and not your company!’– Péter Geszti

RaM Colosseum was the venue of Péter Geszti’s GPS 2.0 marketing seminar for SMEs on 9 November. Mr Geszti started out by saying that no matter how big a company...

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