Tag "infláció"

The price monitor has been expanded

The price monitor has been expanded, the system now shows the daily prices of 78 product categories. The products most often consumed by those following a special diet have been...

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Slight improvement in the solvency of Hungarians due to lower inflation

According to research by Intrum and GKI, the small increase in Hungarian household solvency continued in the third quarter of 2023. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin...

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Flavored mineral water products are becoming more and more popular

The negative consequences of the economic fluctuations of the past period also affect the actors of the domestic mineral water industry. Due to runaway inflation and high energy prices, mineral...

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Inflation will remain in 2024 as well

This year was determined by inflation, which remains on the table. The disinflation process may continue at the beginning of next year, but the pick-up in household consumption will bring...

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Münchausen báró találkozása Mekk Mesterrel – avagy kalandozások a gazdaságpolitika világában

Jaksity György, a Concorde igazgatóságának elnöke immár visszatérő vendége a Business Daysnek. Idei prezentációjából kiderült többek között, miért vannak jó helyzetben az amerikai fogyasztók, és miért kellene sürgősen új modellt...

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Inflation moderated in the euro zone and the EU in November

Inflation decreased in the Eurozone and the European Union in November, according to the final data published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, on Tuesday. In the...

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GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. 2023/4. forecast for 2023-24

By the fall of 2023, the Hungarian economy has passed the most difficult stage of the crisis caused by the domestic distribution before the 2022 parliamentary elections and the global...

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EY: The climate goals have already been broken by high inflation – international research

Companies have dramatically scaled back their climate protection goals as a result of high inflation and geopolitical tensions. Companies are slowing down their sustainability initiatives despite the fact that they...

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In Romania, annual inflation slowed to 6.7 percent

The annual inflation rate in Romania fell to 6.7 percent in November, the National Institute of Statistics (INS) announced on Wednesday. This is 1.4 percentage points lower than the value...

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The growth rate of food products moderated in the Czech Republic

In November, annual inflation decreased to 7.3 percent from 8.5 percent in October in the Czech Republic, the Czech Statistical Office announced on Monday in Prague. In particular, the rate...

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KSH: Consumer prices increased by 7.9 percent on average compared to the same month of the previous year

In November 2023, consumer prices were on average 7.9 percent higher than a year earlier. Prices did not change on average compared to October, but vehicle fuels became 3.6 percent...

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GKI: jövőre alig 2% feletti lesz csak a növekedés

A magyar gazdaságban az idei második negyedévben már negyedik negyedéve tartott a recesszió, ez az EU-ban Magyarországon kívül csak Észtországban következett be. A második negyedévben az EU-ban a magyar visszaesés volt...

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How will Europeans shop this holiday season?

In November 2023, Offerista Group and ShopFully conducted research in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Germany, Austria, Italy, France and Spain. The purpose of the survey was to find out what worries...

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Beverage manufacturers are asking for government help to reduce their burden

The Hungarian beverage producers’ associations welcome the start of the redemption system for beverage packaging next year, which will enable the circular economic model to be realized in the sector....

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GFM: the government will extend the mandatory promotions until the end of June 2024

In order to further reduce inflation, the government will extend the mandatory campaign until the end of June 2024, the Ministry of Economic Development (GFM) announced on Wednesday. According to...

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We spend more than we originally planned

Although consumer awareness is growing in a high inflation environment, impulses are still decisive in the shopping habits of Central and Eastern European consumers – revealed the Publicis Groupe survey,...

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This is why orange juice is becoming more expensive

The prices of agricultural raw materials have fallen significantly since their peak this year, which can be partly attributed to falling gas prices. Fertilizer, the production of which requires gas...

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Beverage and deli categories expected to outperform total food and beverage unit sales

Circana™, formerly IRI and The NPD Group, released its 2024 food and beverage outlook, revealing that modest food and beverage volume growth is expected next year after three consecutive years...

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Tamás Éder painted a dark vision of the future of the food industry

Tamás Éder, director of corporate relations and communications at Bonafarm Zrt., explained in an interview with the Agricultural Sector that favorable balance sheet results are not expected for food industry...

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EY: It turns out what tax managers are afraid of

Domestic companies are most worried about inflation, while transfer pricing, corporate tax and the global minimum tax are considered to be the most risky tax areas, according to a survey...

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According to the GVH, there is single-digit inflation

In addition to the government measures, the online price monitoring system operated by the Economic Competition Authority (GVH) contributed significantly to the achievement of single-digit inflation in October. The annual...

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German inflation fell to its lowest level in more than two years in October

According to the final data of the German Federal Statistical Office, Destatis, German inflation in October developed as expected, falling to 3.8 percent, the same as the preliminary one, from...

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Food price growth slowed to 8.1 percent in the OECD

In the countries belonging to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the annual growth of consumer prices slowed down to an average of 6.2 percent in September from...

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The population’s sense of inflation is decreasing, but still very high

According to the official inflation data, consumer prices rose by 12.2% in September compared to the same period of the previous year. Compared to this, according to a representative survey...

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Eurostat: Inflation in the euro area moderated more than expected in October

In October, the annual inflation rate in the euro area moderated more strongly than expected by analysts – the statistical office of the European Union, Eurostat, announced on Tuesday as...

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The new agricultural and rural development tenders will start at the beginning of next year

The 2024 tender schedule for agricultural and rural development subsidies has been prepared, almost HUF 2,900 billion in resources are available to farmers, announced Agriculture Minister István Nagy on his...

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GFM: since the start of the price monitor, the average price of food has decreased in 52 product categories

Since the launch of the online price monitor, the average price of monitored foodstuffs has decreased in 52 product categories, the Ministry of Economic Development (GFM) told MTI. In the...

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Inflation in the Eurozone decreases significantly

As Eurostat announced after a second estimate, inflation in the Eurozone weakened significantly in September. While food and luxury goods were the strongest price drivers, energy prices continued to decline...

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Annual inflation in e-commerce is already in the single digits

In all the main categories of the most popular products sold in online trade, price changes below the official consumer price index have taken place over the past 12 months,...

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Food prices are rising more slowly in the euro area and the EU

In September, the annual rate of inflation moderated both in the euro area and in the European Union – the statistical office of the European Union, Eurostat, announced on Wednesday...

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